

Let me just paint a picture here for you folks. Imagine

coordinating the most ridiculous guys golf trip ever.

You probably have a couple of yoyos in your group that are going to make

the trip really fun. You can't wait. You've been waiting all

year for this ditcom. And so you get there now, you guys get, you get

lucky. They put you in one of the lodges that's right next to this

amazing driving range that has track men right outside your

door. Now, your two knuckleheads that you brought with you, you're worried about them knocking

one over, breaking one. That's the only thing we had to worry about. But other

than that, you're so stoked. Then you play the most amazing golf ever, which we'll

get into the courses here in just a second. But then you're like, I want

more. So you could do that at the squeeze while there's light,

or you could even if you're really a degenerate and you still need more

time, you could go play the wedge at nighttime.

Did I tell you about my albatross?

Welcome to another episode of did I tell you about my albatross? I'm

your host, Albie. This is the golf podcast for honest degenerates. It's

like teeing up with your favorite foursome every week and diving into the best stories

in and around golf. You guys ready to tee off? Let's go.

We added chilling on the right. Welcome. Welcome to

another edition of did I tell you about my albatross?

I'm your host, Albie. Boy, we got a good one for you tonight. I got

my main man panda here. Say hey, panda. Hello,

world. So we got a special episode because we're going to be talking all about

a special experience we had recently at Cabot

Citrus Farms here in

Tampa. They're in Brooksville there. In Brooksville. Would you

call that Brooksville? Yep. In Brooklyn. The

address says it does, I think so. He who questions the panda

is wrong. Yeah, I should have learned my lesson on that a long time ago.

When we do stump the panda, which we may have time to maybe

sneak in a couple of, stump the pandas. I have a couple on deck for

you. But really, tonight's episode, panda Cabot Citrus Farms had us invited.

Dit Yama, did I tell you about Malbatraz for a,

what would you call that? A preview play? Yeah, for media day preview play. Yeah,

media day preview play. And it was spectacular. We're media.

That's one of the things I was like, wow, we got a media we are

media, and I know we are because we were there with a bunch of media

people. Like, there were newspapers. It was crazy. They had

tv people there. Actual media. Actual media, like, people with cameras.

And then we were there with our camera phones. I had a drone

with me at one point, but, man, I want to talk a little

bit about Cabot citrus Farms because this. Let me tell everyone a little bit about

Cabot citrus Farms and why it is so special to me.

World woods was a golf course in the

same location. They basically, Cabot bought it from the people that owned

woods. It was just a guy, too. I think the previous owner was like one

japanese dude. One japanese dude. They had an amazing vision for it. It

still was a great golf. The track was amazing. It's one of my

favorite courses to play in Florida back then,

when it was in good shape, in my opinion, it was one of the

most enjoyable rounds you could play in, least. At least for

me. And they had two main courses there. They had pine

barrens and they had rolling

oaks. Those were the two biggies. Right. Their practice facility there.

Then we're talking about the old version. We're going to get back to the cabot

here in just a minute and what they've done with it. The practice facility there

was like barred. I mean, it was amazing. It was crazy. I think

they had the 360 range.

The old one was. Yeah, it was circular. Yeah, circular, which. I love those. And

then in the putting, you had practice putting facility. That was

unreal. Always just an incredible time. And the nice part about is the

location. So it's in the middle of nowhere, Brooksville. No offense to all the Brooksville

listeners out there, but there's just nothing around there now. That place is blowing up

lately. I'm not saying, but back then there was nothing there other than

farmland, but it's still really easy to get to. So, like, from

Tampa, it's just a 45 minutes drive on a very easy, like, tampa

is terrible for traffic, but getting out there is a piece of cake because you

just take what we call the veterans and it's about 45 minutes away

or so. Really easy to get to from Tampa, really easy to get to from

Orlando. And then it's just like

they just kind of ran out of money. I feel like. I don't really know

the exact story, like, what happened to Worldwoods, but it definitely

declined over the past few. The last few years that they were

around. But again, still, the layout, the track

was just unreal. Lots of trees. I'm talking about the old version. Lots

of trees. I believe that pine

barrens. That course was my personal favorite. A lot of people like rolling

oaks more, but that is a loose replica of Pine Valley.

Did you hear that? Is that true? Maybe, like, some of the holes were

templated the same. The whole big thing about Pine Valley is if you're on

one hole, you don't see the next hole. And there was, like, some

vibes of that out there. I also like pine barrens more. You did? Okay.

Instead of rolling oaks. Yeah. People said that rolling oaks was.

And this could be a rumor. I should probably dig into this here a little

bit. But people had said that that course was a loose replica of

Augusta. I think, once again, yes, some of the holes were

templated the same. Yeah. I think pine barrens was

really probably more of a pinehurst. Okay. With, like,

the waste area and the blowout and the sand and the elevated greens. Yeah,

exactly. So it's exactly what he just said. So in the waste

areas, you could ground your club. Lots of waste areas. I'm

talking about sand everywhere. And I spent a lot of time

there. I mean, the waste areas,

I kind of learned how to play out of them because you just find them

there. But I do think that the

layout for me, if I remember

correctly, the clubhouse was a joke. Like, the clubhouse. Clubhouse was very

1984. Right. Like, the experience was not. It's a public course. I mean, it

was always a top 100. Yeah. Let's see. So Pine barons hosted

a shell's wonderful World of

golf. Yes, that's true. Tom Fazio, this is the guy.

That great name, Tom Fozzie, gets a lot of

hate. Why does he. What do you mean? Yeah, the Foz. Why does he get

hate? Because it's, like very new school,

what he builds. He kind of does his own thing. I'm okay with.

I like Tom Fazio. Some of Tom Fazio courses are in

my favorite courses. But Tom Fazio gets a lot of

okay. Definitely from the architect.

Like, bro, you know what gets? He's not a tillinghast

or Alastair Mackenzie or Donald

Ross. So he's going to get hated on. Pete Dye gets hated.

I mean, you know, I'm looking here like, the people that his competitors were.

Pete Dye, Jack Nicholas, and Arnold Palmer. How do you feel

about architects that aren't. I mean, maybe this guy's just an amazing golfer, and I

don't know about it. He probably is, but how do you feel about the

golfers that are not pros, that are.

Sorry. The architects that aren't pros. You prefer pro

architects, or do you prefer. It doesn't matter to you?

I mean, I think anybody's capable of making a good golf course. I think

that the couple of courses that tiger has done have been really

good, at least the ones that I played. I think that. Which ones does

he have? He has blue Jack in Texas, which is sick. He

has Paines Valley in Missouri.

Terrible name. It's misery is the name. That's how I pronounce

Missouri, because it's a miserable state. Sorry. Missouri. Wow.

So all the Brooksville people are going to hate us. Missouri and Missouri

and the whole state of Missouri. All right. No, he has. Yeah, tiger has some

cool golf courses, for sure. I've never played

a Jack Nicholas course and walked off and been like, that was

sick. And then what did Arnold Palmer build? Was it Bay Hill? Is that.

He has saddlebrook? Okay. Yeah, the Palmer course is

Saddlebrook. No, there's. Arnold Palmer has some good golf courses. Honestly, I'm sure

Jack does, too. Yeah, he probably does. Jack seems to make

golf courses just super long. No, I think that the best

architects were from the early, kind of the turn of the

century, early 19th century. Your Alastair

Mackenzie's, your. Aw. Tillinghast. Jimmy Donald Ross.

What about Jimmy Demerit? Jimmy Demerit? I don't know that I've ever really

played a Jimmy demerit. I grew up playing a

Walter Hagen course in Billings, Montana. Okay. I

like that one. He played a lot of golf. I would love to maybe do

a deep dive on just, like, architects, because I know you know a lot about

it. I just want to learn a little bit more about

him. But all that being said,

maybe one. Day have albatross national. Exactly.

That is our ultimate goal. Our ultimate goal is to get enough subscribers, which I

have no idea what the number would be, but it would be to get enough

subscribers to where we can build our own golf course. And I think it's 18

par fives. 18 par fives. All albatrosses. And the

green slope towards the hole to make it pretty easy to get an albatross.

Okay, so this may be the tie back to what I was just saying. So

Joe Black, past president of the PGA of America,

said, this is like having Pine Valley and Augusta

plus the best practice facility in the world in the same

location. That was his comment on world woods.

That's a pretty crazy

saying. It was one of my favorite places. I would not put it. I mean,

I've never played Pine Valley. Everyone, maybe, like, when it opened. Yeah,

I mean, I think that was definitely the vision for it. So that was worldwide.

The tie back to that was. It was cool before. Exactly. It was cool before

and it's cool now. And top 100, I mean, it was a top 100 public

course. You could play. I mean, all the time. I don't think I ever saw

it out of it. Yeah. And we need good public golf. That's right.

We want less people to play golf. I thought me and you, but we want

to shrink the game. But we do need more public golf. That's true. Okay.

All right. I now work at a public facility, so I got to be pro

public golf. Yeah. Shout out, by the way, just so everyone knows, I'm going to

give a free plug here because they're certainly not spending

the advertising dollars on us yet. But add to performance, why don't

you tell the folks what you're doing down there at add to performance? Add

to performance is now the world's hottest upstart golf

academy. We're going to single handedly, day in and day

out, create the next generation of

elite golfers. Yeah. Here in Lando Lakes, Florida, home of John

Cena. What

is his. Does he do that? Does he do the. What did you just

do? Did you do like his, like he plays when he comes

out. I also love wrestling. If you want to have a wrestling episode. Did you

go to the one in St. Pete? No. Did you want to kind of. Oh,

dude, just tell me what I got you on there. So your media

now. You could have got in Johnson.

I always forget. I think it's so funny he lives here.

I'm excited about the academy because I think you guys are doing some pretty cool

things. That's actually owned and created by a friend

of the show, Brad Brunery's part. And then also the kangaroo. The kangaroo,

we call him. And then we also have shepherd. So

friends of the show and everyone knows Shepard

started as one of our co hosts and still heavily involved

in the pod. So we're really excited about it. I think these guys are just

going to absolutely kill it. And you, if you live in the Tampa area,

in fact, if you don't live in the Tampa area, they even have ways that

you can still get involved with their academy. So check them out. All right, so

there's that. There's a free plug for. For you guys to build your academy.

You guys are going to be jam packed now. You already are. Yeah. Worldwide got

sold to Cabot about. In the Cabot family,

I think about two years ago, maybe a year. And a half.

And I've been so jazzed

about this to the point to mean between us and Cabot.

Please don't be mad at me about this. I've driven up to

Brooksville a few times during this whole process where you

guys were moving around tons of dirt and getting rid of a bunch of trees,

moving and shaping the whole earth around there. I went up there a few times

and just looked through the fence in awe. I could not wait for

this place to open because, again, it was one of my favorite tracks, and it's

just going to be spectacular. Everything I hear about Cabot, everything they're doing in Texas

with their courses there that they're building, everything they've done mean, you

name it. In fact, we're trying to plan a trip up to the Nova Scotia

course. We just start what happened with our day. So we get there just

chronologically. Yeah, exactly. Let's describe the day. So we

get there. They were. Again, we were treated like media, so it was just phenomenal.

We get there. Super nice people, by the way, canadian people.

They're all from. The canadian people are just. They've got to be the nicest people

on the planet. Like, name me another group of people that are nicer than

Canadians. Yeah. You don't have one? No. I mean, I grew up in

Montana, so we're cool with Canada.

Are Montana people nicer than canadian people?

No, Canadians really are pretty nice. Yeah.

They fucking giving away health care and

pills and maple syrup all the time. You can get maple syrup and pills. In

Canada for free. It's included in your taxes.

Okay, dude, that's. Well, like, people get, like, insulin from Canada because it's like,

four. But.

But I guess my point is the hospitality, the service was just

like, we've been abandoned. I've been abandoned. I know you used to work,

like, and I get it. People are spending a lot of money to go to

these destination type courses, and you've got to just kill it on service.

But right from the get go, I get into the guard

gate, and even the lady to guard gate was, like, the nicest lady ever. Oh,

dude. She's like, yes, exactly. And so we pull in a little chilly

that day. We've got all this on our socials. We're going to be posting all

this, and then I'll be flashing. We'll be editing in. If you hop on

our YouTube, make sure to check out all the videos, because we

did capture some pretty cool video of it. I flew a drone around, like I

said, but we get in there and then we had dit Yama

gear provided by Swanee's, which shout out

to Swannie's, thanks for hooking us up on that. We get there and they're like,

oh, why don't you walk in here? And we walked into their

new. What would you call that? Like, golf

pro shop. Was that the pro shop there that. They had us in, or what

was that? No, where we walked in was just really like,

merchandise house. They were like, selling headcovers and shirts. Dude, their

merch is great. Like, this hat they gave. Merch is cool. They gave us hats.

Give us hats. Towels. They give us a towel. Look at that thing, dude. And

over here, look how big that towel is. That a regular sized towel? Yeah, it's

like a caddy towel. Yeah. The logo is cool. So the logo is just kind

of like an orange, but then it says cabot. Yeah. Let me get this

on. Citrus. Citrus. Yeah. And I use

this, so thank you, Cabot. When you get there. For anyone that's ever been to

worldwoods in the property, it looks totally different in a couple of different ways. One,

I'd say that the fact that they have the

lodging already up, like, I knew they were going to be doing these really crazy

lodges. We actually, as a group of buddies, we looked

at investing in one. It was a little outside our price range,

but it looked like they're going to be really nice. And I think that

opens. And they're already going to open those in end of February, early

March, she said. So I thought that was crazy. And they're popping

them up all over. So they have that you pull in, you go to this

little thing, they get us some cider. We start walking down to the range,

and then, dude, my mind was absolutely

had. What's cool about the range there in the practice facility?

Keep in mind, you just heard that comment about the old PGA,

dude, saying that it was like Augusta and Pine Valley with

a world class practice facility. So, I mean, I don't

know how you top that, but these guys, they're heading in that direction because

all the lodges are like, at least they have a row of lodges that are

right in front of or right behind

the driving range and the driving range, which would

be amazing for a guy's golf trip. Like, you have a guy's golf trip and

you can literally walk out your cabin, go hit balls whenever you want. Oh, and

by the way, it's not just like a regular driving

range. Each bay or each. What would you call that?

Okay. Each bay has a track man, an outdoor track, man.

I've never seen an outdoor track, man. Have you? I've definitely seen an outdoor

track, man. Yeah. I've never seen it done the way that they did it, where

each individual little bay or stall has its own track, man. That's like, in

a little case. Yes. That you can dick around with and hit balls. That was

pretty cool. I've never seen that before. So what else is cool about it

is at nighttime, you could have a guy's golf

trip, and then if you wanted to go hit balls at 1030 at

night under the lights, you could do that putt or putt.

Here's the other thing. They have a short course, but wait, there's more. No, the

short course. They have two short courses, I guess is what

you'd call it. They have what's called the squeeze and. The

wedge, in addition to putting course and

218 hole courses. Correct.

Let me just tell you a little bit about the squeeze. Squeeze offers nine holes

that range from 100 yards to 550 yards. And

architect Mike Nuso drew inspiration

from the world's best short par fours to create a course that is full of

fun and drama. That's the squeeze, the wedge,

an eleven hole. Why? Have you ever heard of an eleven hole course? I've never

heard of that. Yeah. If it's like a short course, okay. The preserve,

abandoned, is 13. Okay, I've seen. Yeah. That's the only thing I could really compare

it to. So the wedge eleven hole par three course that offers

vast waste areas, greens with dramatic slopes, and lots of

varied lies. Golfers will encounter some of the cabot citrus farm's most

interesting design features at the Wedge and lights

located throughout the course. So this is the lit one. Let me just paint a

picture here for you folks. Imagine

coordinating the most ridiculous guys golf trip ever.

You probably have a couple of yoyos in your group that are going to make

the trip really fun. You can't wait. You've been waiting all

year for this ditcom. And so you get there now, you guys get. You get

lucky. They put you in one of the lodges that's right next to this

amazing driving range that has track men right outside your

door. Now, your two knuckleheads that you brought with you, you're worried about them knocking

one over, breaking one. That's the only thing we had to worry about. But other

than that, you're so stoked. Then you play the most amazing golf ever, which we'll

get into the courses here in just a second. But then you're like, I want

more? So you could do that at the squeeze while there's light.

Or you could, even if you're really a degenerate and you still need more

time, you could go play the wedge at nighttime, which I think is kind of

cool. Have you played night golf ever?

Kind of, yeah. I see stuff on instagram all the time. I'm like, dude, they

should totally. I've done it on lit golf courses. I've never done it

with the ball that glows. It's just pitch black. That seems. Could that

frustrating. Yeah, I don't think. Oh, no, they do that. No, but

I've heard it can crack your cloth. You got to be careful with those because

they can crack your clothes, by. The way, though, the speed you

produce, that flip hook. Yeah.

You're my coach. Don't tell people that you're trying to sell an academy here,


That's interesting because this is real quick here. That's not

the same guy as what. We were talking about. That's the other. So that's Newso,

and then that guy's Kyle something. Okay. Got you. Yeah, Kyle.

Okay. So. Really? Okay. So let's talk about two. There's actually

two course designers, right? We have our main

man, Nuzo, which I didn't get an opportunity to meet Newso. His name is

Mike. We should probably call him Mr. Newso. I don't really know him on a

first name basis. So Mike Newso, he actually is the guy that led a lot

of the short course and practice facilities. He's also heavily

involved in what we think is the putting. The 21, which I think is the

putting course. And then he's got a goal

of creating. This is his tagline. I just want to make sure people get a

good feel of what we're talking about here. His goal of creating enjoyable courses

that inspire people to play. All right. He

also has the number. You'd appreciate this. He's also the designer of

Wolfpoint club in Port Lavica. That's probably not the

right way to say that. You probably know better. Me in Texas. Have you ever

heard of that? The number one golf course in Texas?

What? The number one golf course in Texas. It's called

World Point Club in Port

Lavaca. Lavaca. Lavaca sounds better, right?

Yeah. I'm going to have to fact check that, because I didn't.

You didn't know that? We'll circle back to that. Okay. We'll circle back around to

that. Yeah. So, anyway, I thought that was it. But then

the other gentleman, which we did get a chance to talk to really nice guy

Kyle Franz. Let me just say that

again. Kyle Franz. Kyle Franz. Now he's leading the renovation of Cabot

Barons. And that's really pine barons.

That we played. Yeah, that we played. And we'll get more into that. So that's

actually going to be called. Let me pull up the rue. The

rue. That's the rue course. How do

you think they came up with the names for these? I don't know. You could

have asked him. I didn't get a chance. Well, they did actually have a CEO

there, like I mentioned, and really nice guy. He just had

a lot of actual media around. Like, they were

newspapers and stuff, asking questions. I could have probably found that out. He's probably told

people. So, anyway, I guess my point is

that the practice facilities

are just going to be unreal. And then the fact that they're lit up, I

love. All right, so now let's get into. So, once we hit

golf balls, we're feeling good, by the way. They had an entire spread there with,

like, I'm talking about muffins. We had, like,

continental bread, but, I mean, it's a different level. You got more cider. You're all

hopped up on the cider. You loved it. And then they

had. When I say, like, parfait, it was like

granola. You had fruit. You had the whole deal, and it was like, take what

you want. Just go take it. Everything was. Yeah, we didn't pay shit.

Didn't pay shit. They were super nice. Generous. Okay, so now

we're all hopped up on the cider. We've hit balls in the track,

man. Our stats are off the chart. I'm

cracking golf balls with the lit golf. There's no, like, lit golf

balls. I don't think. I think they just left, of course. So now we're ready

to go play. And they were like, okay, it's a shotgun deal. And

we started on hole 18. We were 18.

A. 18 a on Yama is not a b group kind of

group. Nah, dude, we're a group specifically.

Now, this is important because I want to describe the dit Yama

foursome we had. We had quite the forsome shout out to Kangaroo, because

kangaroo, actually, I think, in my opinion, was the all star of this trip,

because he actually took a backseat. And that never happens for friends of the show.

But he did it because we had a very

special late ad. Mr. Jerry

Carey. Now, anyone that's in golf, like, social

world, like, if the social media stuff or the content creators. Dude,

this guy, Jerry Carey, first of all, super nice

guy. I reached out to him. I told him we were playing cabot. He wanted

to come play and check it out. He's from Canada, the

western side, British Columbia area, I think. And he was like, oh,

my God, if you guys are playing that new cabot course I want guy to

play like I want to play. And I was like, all right, I've already got

to force him. Let me just talk to Brad Bruner. Brad Brunner,

Kangaroo resident tour pro of.

You know, big hand in this academy that these guys are doing and just a

super nice guy. And Brad was like, and it was great

because actually what happened? Shepard, our

other co host, he said, oh, yeah. Like, I can't believe you do

that to. I can't believe you'd ask Brad to take a seat. Like,

he's not even going to want to, man. Like, why would you do that after

you've already invited him to play? I felt like a complete jerk. I'm like, he's

totally right. I'm sorry. And

I called Brad and I'm like, look, man, I apologize.

And he said, dude, who fucking cares? I'm going to go play

like Cabot. First of all, that's amazing. And he was like, I'm going to go

play a couple random people that I'll meet. That's fine. Who cares?

So it's just know, throwing more shade at your boy being

here, it's fine. But it was great. So he's the MVP, but

Jerry Carey joined the foursome with shepherd and

Panda and myself. We teed off on,

I mean, right from the beginning. So the couple of things I noticed right away.

So we'll get more into this here in a second. We interviewed the architect. We

interviewed Kyle. Yeah, Kyle Franz. We interviewed him after

and he said some really insightful things, which I wish I would have talked to

him before because I would have played the course a little different and it would

have been cool to kind of see his vision for it beforehand. I was trying

to remember it after the fact. I will say the thing that was really

interesting is the trees. Like, if you played worldwoods in the

past, pine barrens especially, there's lots of trees everywhere.

Lots of pine trees, lots of vegetation. Now, I know these guys are still built.

This is a preview play. So this course hasn't been final.

Like, it's going to just get better and better and better. Of course, still spectacular,

but it's going to get better. The first thing you notice, or at least I

notice, is that trees are gone.

There are some trees. They kept, I guess, the really healthy and the beautiful ones.

But like the ones that you have to hit around. Right on 14.

Exactly. I don't think that they got rid of close. He said something like

5000 trees, but I don't think they were critical

to the experience. And I think the other reason he said that was because

he was trying to open it up for a couple of things. One,

obviously, this is sort of the trend with a lot of these courses. Streamstong is

very much like this. I don't know. Stream song had trees there in the beginning,

but they're also trying to let through a lot more wind. So it was

extremely. I don't know if it was just the day or if what he was

saying. I'm sure it had something to do with it. Dude, the wind was crazy.

Like, the wind was actually really crazy. There's no trees to block it. And that

is one thing. When you'd play in the summer at pine barrens, or even

rolling oaks for that matter, it was just stagnant because there was no

airflow through there. So that's the one thing they wanted to change. The other thing

he mentioned is just that he wanted the experience to be more of

a. He wanted the distance between tea

boxes to be a lot shorter, a lot easier and just a better experience. And

I think they accomplished that really nicely. I think that was just one

thing I observed. But those were my initial. When I first

got out there, I'm like, it looks completely different.

It's a new course, so that would be my. Any other

observations on your initial thoughts when you first got out there? What was going through

your head? Caddy. We had a caddy. We did have a caddy. So

you can take a caddy initially.

Yeah. I mean, that's the thing that you notice is it's like way more open.

Like a band in that isn't trails. Or like a

scottish course or a stream song. I think a stream

song is like a good comparison. I think that

it's a stream song kind of feel. Which one?

I guess black is it? So it's a link. You're saying it's like a links

course? I don't like using that word when it's not an actual links

course. That is actually one of my big frustrating things.

All right, sorry. It has to. A links course links the

land to the sea. There's no sea there. Is that what that means? That

is what that means. Wow.

So when there's no actual ocean. I hate when

people say links. I had no idea that's what that meant.

I thought why they put road bunkers in middle of nowhere

Florida anyway, to me it felt like,

okay, that makes total sense now. You can say it's kind of. Yeah, Linksy.

There's a lack of trees. It's very windy. There's sandy areas.

But yeah, to say links is

actual. Yeah, that's a panda. No, no. Okay. No bamboo for

you. Good to then. So then we

start playing. I mean, I think being with

of, I was really interested to see how good Jerry Carey was.

He's got literally tens of millions of

TikTok views. He does this thing. For those of you who don't know, he does

this amazing thing. I'll put a link here. And all the stuff that we do.

He does this amazing thing where he walks to someone randomly in a parking lot

in like a random country club. He did Carawood, by the way. Carowood. Yeah.

And he's like, hey. He says, oh, this

guy's going to be perfect. And he walks up to him and he's like, oh,

can I caddy for you today? And these are just random.

Typically these are higher handicap. Like the guy got a. Carol was like a 27

handicap. And they're like, they've never had caddies in their life. They don't even know

what they are. And he's like, come on. What if I get you a par

today? I'll give you a new pair of italian golf shoes or

like something crazy. And they're like, okay. And then he learns

their story on the walk, which I love. I mean, it's a great concept gone

viral. Tens of millions of views nice enough to join us.

And I was really curious to see how good of a golfer he was. Pretty

good. I mean, he could get around like the know. I don't know what his

handicap was, but he was good. He scraped it around. He scraped

it around. I mean, it was a tough course, like for probably Jerry for.

We made Jerry play the backs. We did. We didn't play the

backs, but we played pretty. We played the one ups. We

did. Yeah. We went on one up for him. We played the one ups. They

were like, you should play the tangerine. We like, nah,

plays the one ups. That's funny. So they have different types of citrus

for the tea. Well, they had specific

oranges on the tea box and I think

literally everybody else played from like 5500 farms

and we played from like 6800. And it was still. And Brad

played from like 74. Yeah. So Brad Bruner again, previous pro,

he walked off the course with the course record. Did he tell you that? No,

they gave it to him. No, because he didn't finish because we had

practice. Well, then he didn't get the course record. What do you mean? If he

would have pared out, he would have had it. Oh, well, he didn't part out,

though, right? We can't give that. Well, come on. What are you talking about? You

know what really drives. If that drives you nuts about links. You know what really

drives me nuts are when people try. You think he couldn't have course records 17

and 18? I mean, could he? Sure. Did he?

No, I think it was just 17. Because we

started 17. He left. He had to play one hole. Yeah, one hole. Which I

cannot believe he's saying. The Caddy wanted him to say. He's like, nah, why wouldn't

he? I mean, I don't. Because we had practice. I left, too. Yeah. Boy, you

could have helped practice together for him a little bit.

Well, dude, he left before I did. Listen, I mean, I played 18 holes. I

get the course record. Dude, it's been open for. It's not even open. This is

a preview play. So of course he's going to get the course record. He even

said, you're not going to witness the course record, which I guess no one did

because he didn't get it because he stopped early. Okay, we'll just go back. Yeah,

exactly, Cabot, we'd love to. Hey, we need to go get that.

Course free on Wednesday. We're free on Wednesday. We can probably make Thursday next.

Anyway, we'll send you our dates when we're available for this. Again, we can't wait

to get but that. No, I think that's a really good

point. Know, with Jerry, he did kind of tough it out with this. And

I thought he kind of held his own. Jerry also, by the way, got closest

to the pin on one of the holes, which was the most ridiculous.

Yeah. If you remember, it was not a very well struck.

No, but I have a theory on that. I have a theory on that. Like

hole in ones and shit like that happens from

not always super great golf shots. Oh, totally. Because you got

to get it like. Running like a putt sometimes to go in. And so, yeah,

it's like Jerry hit one to a foot on a

190 1 yd par three that carried 108

yards. Now, here's the other thing. He let his girlfriend shout out to

Carol. She was with her. She was with him, and she was awesome. They're

both super nice and great. Again, canadian people.

She knocked in this putt. That was amazing. All right, so then we have Jerry

Carrey, and then as we're kind of making our. And there are holes out there,

I will say for Pine barons, if you remember, there are a lot of holes

that, look, you can kind of tell that those are absolutely the

same holes that were there. That was what Shepard was

very like. I don't know. He was like, they're all

different. I was like, no, they're not. No, not at. Like, a lot of them

are not the same, but

they're the same. Right. They're super,

Kyle. But they left the cool holes. Exactly. I thought Kyle did a really good

job with. I'll put excerpts of the interview we

had with him on the podcast here. I'll mix some of these in. But I

thought he did a really good job keeping the

essence of a lot of those marquee holes. Like, at least I say

marquee. They were my favorite. They were the ones that I remembered the most. So

you had mentioned the wide world or the shells world

of what the fuck they call. I think it's wonderful world of golf. Wonderful world

of golf. It's like 2002 or three. I tried to watch

it. It was Phil and somebody. It was Phil and Tom's, I believe.

I don't know if that's right. Yeah, we got to find that. Yeah, we got

fat. Check that. But it was awesome

because I just remember there's one hole in

particular which we can just talk about now. So number

15 is my favorite. Yeah. 15 is the

short guy. Yeah. Again, for all of

our Tampa people or anyone that's played worldwoods in the past. Awesome hole you get

up there, depending on what your tea box looks like, depending on where you're playing.

If you're playing the dit Yama stick or you're playing the dit Yama teas. What

kind of citrus was it? All the tangerines. The tangerine. The way ups

tangerines is probably like a part three. Yeah. Tangerines are. We played it from

258, I remember. Was that it? We played it from

258. And there's only one tea box back. Yeah. Adjusted

258. Yes. I'm going to put this in the

YouTube. Please subscribe to our YouTube because

I'm going to put a picture of the hole. And it's

just so cool the way it is because, again, we're in the middle of nowhere.

Brooksville. It's just all waste area world

was always. But. But he kept a lot of the essence of that hole, and

it's an elevated t box. And then you can go left, you can lay

up left, and then it's a real easy approach. Again, real short hole.

Or you can take the right version and you got to clear.

Now, before I remember worldwoods, you actually had to clear some water and

stuff. Was there water there this time? I can't remember. I

don't think that in the current iteration there's any water. Yeah, I think,

yeah, it used to be a little bit more challenging if you took

it right. Basically, you can hit, like, a short iron

way left, and then flip a wedge. Or you can physically

try to drive the green. You can't miss right. That's kind of what you

did. You're in the weeds. If you miss right of

anything, you can kind of miss Long, but you definitely can't miss right.

So if you take the green on, you've got to physically land the ball, like,

basically on the green or just long. Yeah. If you do, then it's like

you make birdie. Yeah. That was one

where you and shepherd were just a little, like a hair short of the green,

which, I mean. Again, it was high, flew the flag, and lipped out

for eagle. Oh, you did? So you were on the other side of the green.

Or wait, I thought you were short of the. I hit the top ten shot

of my entire life, so thank you for remembering it. I was too busy finding

mine over on the right hand side when this. We have video of yours, though,

and you saying, that's not drawing. That's true. I do have that. All right,

I'll put that up on the YouTube, too. It was funny. Yeah. And you're like,

well, it's kind of drawing. And then it tried. It went way right, but no.

And then I flipped a little mean. I got a par on. Yeah, you

saved. I. But

Shepard was short. Okay, so you hit the most amazing shot in your life. Almost

went in, and you got an eagle. That's right. I do remember your eagle now.

That's right. I leapt out for eagle. I just remember abatrosses more than.

Yeah, okay. But that is a really fun hole.

And he kept a lot of the essence there. Yeah. I vividly

remember playing there before and hearing

the last time I played it, I knew that it was going to be sold

and it was going to get redesigned, and I was like, I hope that they

keep this hole the same. They made it

different, but not worse. They made it better, and it's still there,

so that makes me happy. Yeah. And then the one before that one, actually,

14 is pretty cool because that's a

par five. You can go left or right. I

always went right. So, like, you hit a drive and then you can actually go

up the right side and you have an elevated shot into

the green. Like a really cool green there. Almost like a postage stamp

or like what most people do, and I know you guys did. You can go

left, and that's probably even an easier shot. I

was just all over the place off the tee, so I had to. Play that

right side. But anyway. But anyway, that's also a cool hole. And I felt like

that looked a lot different just because of the lack of trees, but it was

still the same. You played it the same and that was fun. So that's cool.

So the other one that I'll call out is 16. So that was

your favorite one, right? Par three. Yes. 16 has probably

the wildest green that I've ever seen on a golf

course. I kind of agree.

It has a bowl that kind of funnels everything

towards it. So if you use the

backstop and play the bowl correctly, at least where the pin was, you

have a 1ft putt for Birdie like I did. And if you don't

hit that exact spot, you make a seven

like you and Shepard did. And there's really no in between.

Yeah, because. Exactly. I mean, I hit some bad putts.

Think. But you're right. You also had some good putts, though. That's

just tough. If you're standing in the

middle of that bowl, what is the shelf? The shelf

is at least 4ft tall.

Four and a half feet around you. Like, all around you. I've never

seen. Well, I wonder. They're not always going to put that. They're always not going

to put the flag there. No, but it doesn't. Yeah, that's okay.

If they put it above it, you still have to deal with it. No,

totally. I think it can work out to your benefit. They had a hole in

one on that hole. They did. Because. I think it can work out to your

benefit. Because if you get anywhere near there and you land right, then you can

go around the bowl and it'll kind of feed it down. And who knows? They

had a clown face on it, too. And a windmill. No, they didn't. They should

have some of that. But I think it's kind of cool.

I don't like the gimmicky stuff, and that is a little gimmicky, I will

say. But I also think you can play it and they can position the

flag where it's just a really. I don't mind it.

I'm not ascribing. It's not really like a gimmicky thing where it's like. I don't

enjoy playing it. It's actually kind of interesting and fun. It kind of reminds me

of a very small version. It'd be like a micro

version of streamsong black number nine, where you have that huge

bowl and all that kind of funnels down. It's like that just

shrunk down to like a micro machine level. Yeah. The green itself is not

that massive, but the bowl that you

have to deal with is pretty severe. There was another par

three, though, on the beginning front that has

like a. That's like a baritz hole. That's a template that a lot of people

use. Yeah, well, that par three

number, man, I wish I knew the numbers here.

I don't know the number, but par. Three, so it's like six, seven,

eight or something. Yeah, it's exactly. It's one of those. And I remember

that one actually looks very similar to the old hole, except,

again, the trees and surrounding area look different. But I love

that par three on the original pine barrens because you'd go over

what had that really cool lake in the front of it, and then you can

actually hit it on the right side and it would funnel everything down the left.

So I thought that still. You could still see a lot of that in that

hole. It was a little different. It was shaped a little different, but that was

still a cool hole. I didn't play very well in that

one. Who has the most templates? Does

Palmer have a template that everyone follows? So it's just CB?

No, it's not just CB, but there's. All sorts of

McAllister or what's his name?

Alistair McKenzie. Yeah, I mean, he has some

stuff that people definitely are going to copy, for sure, because he's really good,

by. The way, this episode, panda. So excited because this

episode is sponsored

by. Divot board. Divot board. Yeah. So everyone knows

you're a proud divot user. Yeah. So, I mean, I will say so. We are

doing the segment. It's been slow rolling to try to get going. We just got

so much other stuff going on. But I've got like three or four of these

recorded. I've got just about every swing aid imaginable. Like,

I really do. I'm the swing aid guru, as you know. We're going to get

you involved to kind of explain to people how you're supposed to use it. But

this one does actually work. I've seen you use this one. Yeah, this one is

so divot board. Amazing. And I'm not just saying

this, by the way. We're honest degenerates. I'm never

going to promote something. Now. We may review stuff that I don't necessarily believe in.

Give you my. Well, I think we should rank all the. Yeah, I think you

should get a panda pass fail. Oh, I like that. Yeah. Okay. All right, let's

do that. And I think the biggest selling

point here is you get to see where your club is making impact into

the turf because it has these fancy sequence. And then they go, whoops. Like

that. See, if it's like, once your club goes, I mean, they've been around a

little bit. They're pretty popular, but they've been kind enough

to actually give us a code that our listeners

can use for 10% off and

free shipping. And all it is is go to their website. And

then in the coupon section, you type in,

or I think code section, you just want to type in

albatross. All right. So then the other thing that we

had was the halfway house. Those are

sick. Yeah. So mid round, he passed it a couple of times. We passed it

at least twice. Like on the front. On the back. Yeah, they have this amazing.

I mean, it kind of looks a lot like the lodges that they're building, but

it's all, like, modern. I don't even know what you call it. Like modern farmhousey.

Kind of like really well done. Like, you go inside side, and it's like, oh,

shit. They had beers that we'd never seen before. They had this one creamsicle

beer. I wish I could give a shout out to the

brewery. I mean, it was a local brewery.

Maybe I'll try to put that in our comments, too, so they can sponsor us.

But it was delicious. I kept going back to them, like, hey, do you have

any more? And they're like, no, we don't have any more of those. No, you

drank them all. Yeah, we're giving you everything else. Please leave us alone. They gave

us sandwiches. It was barbecue. Was incredible. Well, that. The other thing. So the

food at the turn, it wasn't like your typical, like, I think

Carol would shout out the concert. You go in there

and they're like, oh, yeah, no, we got this hot dog that's been spinning for

three days. That'd be good for you. And then the bread's got mold on it,

but whatever. Shout out concert. We love you. Thanks for having us. But

no, it's like, no, I was actually there. They did have hot dogs. They were

hot dogs? Yeah. Like, really good ones. And then the guy goes,

oh, yeah. Or you could do our barbecue sandwich. And by the way, this barbecue

has been, like, slow roasted or whatever they smoked for the last two days. It

was incredible. And we went in and talked to the guy,

and just the service and the food and everything was just phenomenal. So that's going

to be great. So then after that,

the rest of the course, just in general, I thought,

it's still really early. A lot of the vegetation needs to still grow in,

like, the stuff that they just planted. And it's going to be


And then I think it's going to be an amazing. For a

guy's golf trip, it's going to be whoever,

listen to this. If you don't live in the area and you're trying to look

for a good guy's golf trip, especially if it's easier for you to get to

here in Florida, dude, this should be at the top of your list, in my

opinion. This should be definitely up. If you're. If you're

looking to travel, for sure. I mean, you can

make a pretty sick week of fly

into Tampa. Fly into. Yeah. You can hit Cabot. You can hit

streamsong and then probably go back to Orlando because

Orlando is better golf than Tampa, but you can hit a lot of sick places,

for sure. Yeah. Where would you go in Orlando? Where would you go play golf

in Orlando? Yeah, you specifically. I like the,

like, I do like the Waldorf. I mean, Orange County national is.

I mean, and by the way, if you guys would have us out there, I

could easily edit this out. They had a live event. Well, they did.

But to me, I've played Orange County. I used to live in Orlando.

Shout out College park. Shout out all my I four cup guys.

I love a lot of courses in Orlando. The Orange County national, to me,

was hit or miss on.

Not quality, but the condition. It's a

factory. It is a factory. They have a lot of play out there. They play

a fuck ton of golf. And they've had Q school out there a bunch. I

know. I mean, it's a great track. I don't know. I'm not trying to

knock them because their tracks are awesome out there. With Panther,

what do they have? Panther. Oh, crooked cat. Crooked cat.

Yeah. Crooked cat. Yeah. The Waldorf's good.

There's like the four Seasons. There's a Ritz course. There's lots of good golf

in Orlando. There's a ton of amazing. The private courses in Orlando are amazing.

Like, you got Lake Nona, you got. Some of the private courses are just.

Yeah, so, I mean, I think all in all, it was just an incredible experience.

So then afterwards, they had an amazing food truck

situation. So their food trucks are great. They had all kinds of different

brewery, craft beers, really

eclectic stuff, like cornhole. It's just a really fun

vibe. Like a really fun, down to earth. I don't think that was just for

media day. They're going to have those food trucks there. They're going to be

there for the guests there, which is awesome.

And then that's right next to the short courses. So then that's kind of leads

you right out there. I think the rate for the course that we played.

Isn't that insane either? Well,

yeah, I think it's like 160 right now, but I think that could be because

it's so new. Okay. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe not. I hope they kind of

keep it closer to that. Yeah, I don't ever like

$500 golf courses. No. I mean, no, not at all. And

hopefully we'll have some resident rates. But I think for me,

the overall consensus is just. I

think it's got some growing in to do. But you can

tell it's going to be absolutely spectacular. You can tell to me, in

my opinion, I think it's going to be better than streamsong. Very

comparable. I love stream song. I'm not a huge. I'll just say

it. Streamsong. You haven't had us out. Cabot did. That's true. Have us out,

dude. Change my mind. But I've played black a dozen times and it's. Black's my

least favorite, though. Yeah, me too. I love red and blue. Why do you keep

playing it, then? Well, I mean, I'll still play. No,

no, it's still a great chorus. I'm just saying for the expensive, that's

usually an expensive know. And I don't like. I don't

like spending a lot of money, but I mean, if I'm going to spend a

lot of money, then I'd rather play blue or red, honestly. And I'm usually playing

it in the summer to kind of save a little bit of money. And it

just gets so hot out there. It is. And that's a

man, like, you're beat to shit after that. And then you're like, you get in

your car and you're like, God damn, I got to drive back to Tampa.

Yes. It's not easy to get to. It's so much easier to get to

know. I do have to pay the caddy, though. You do. Because of PGA. I

don't pay old memorial. I don't pay streamsong. I don't pay anywhere.

It's crazy, dude, get your shit done. I just need to get my shit

together. What would it take? What would you take? Someone like me, you know

where my swings at? I'm a five, like a four and

a half. What would it take for me?

Tell me the exact process. For me to get my PGA card. You got to

pass a pat, which is you got to shoot, like,

7777-7878 it depends on the course

in the same day. That's the one. Kind of got to play five rounds in

one day. What are you talking about? No, you got to pay 36 holes in

a day. It's 15 above the slope or the course.

Dude, I could totally do that. Then what? I take a test or, like, three

years of bookwork. They stagger so that you

can't just, like, I'll just do it on a weekend. Like, you have to do

it. Go to a seminar. Do it. Go to a seminar. Do it. Go to

a seminar. But I could do. Yeah, it's open to everybody. Yeah.

Anybody with checkbook. Dude, that could be a really good hook for

the show. Is like, Brandon becomes a PGA of America

member. Yeah, take. Take. You guys on a journey. I got two kids. Can

a regular guy get his PGA card? What do you call

that? PGA professional? Just say, be a PGA of America member.

Okay, PGA of America. You do get a physical card, but I always feel like

card insinuates like I'm a tour player, which,

yeah, if I'm drunk enough, then, yeah, I am. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, if you're

drunk enough. Dude, when I tell people about you on the show, I'm like, yeah,

I want my co host. He's a PGA tour card. That happens

all the time when you're like, yeah, PGA member. They're like, you play with

Rory, and. It'S like, yeah, dude, all the time. How many high noons have I

had? Yeah, I've had, like, ten. And I'm like, yeah, and he's sick.

Yeah, I love Rory. He's a different level than us,

but, I mean, we're all kind of, like, we're all good golfers. No, I fix

slices, bro. Yeah, you're slice fixer. And then would I actually be

able to go give lessons? Yeah, shut the fuck. I mean, if

somewhere hires you, you can play free golf for damn near forever. That's

all I could. So I could do that. Yeah. All right. The only

place I've paid money to play golf in in the last, like, five years is

Carolwood. No way, dude. Because I pay a membership, dude. But

it's a discounted membership. Hopefully I didn't pay an initiation. Oh, that's

good. All right. All right. So that

shout out concert. Shout out concert. Dude, I got to be honest with you,

man. I still pay them monthly, though. Anyway, we'll do

another episode on my thoughts on concert. We should review

all the concerts. There's actually a lot of courses now.

Yeah, there are. I think we can play them for

free ish. It's 25. You pay the cart fee so it's included. Oh, yeah. We

should do that for sure. Yeah, we played the one in Amelia.

We played the one in a couple of them,

like near Ponte. Pontavidra. Thank you. Yeah, you don't like

that one, do you? Well, I don't like saying that word. I can't say

that sounds go.

So. Yeah, man, I think overall, thanks for having us.

Thanks for having us, Cabot. It was really a special day.

You guys got a lot of special things going on there. We'd love to go

have us at some of these other courses, dude. We'd love to go check out

some of these. Mean we're going to plan a trip out there anyway. Yeah, we'll

make you a deal, everybody. If you pay for us, we'll come

to. We don't have to pay. We'll come review your golf course. You don't have

to pay anything. And we'll make a podcast about it. We will do a whole

entire podcast like we just did here. And you don't really even have to treat

us all that. You can leave us alone. Just give us a tea time. Yeah,

we'd like us to the first tea. What's the course record? I think cabbage

got a really good model for people to follow with the free towel, the

breakfast spread, the interview with the architect, actor,

the ball marker. And then Jerry Carey coming

in thought, well, they didn't have anything to do with that.

That was us. That was all us. All right. Shout out Jerry Carey. Shout out

to Carol, Jerry's companion. She was

awesome. Shout out to kangaroo. Thanks again for taking the backseat to

Jerry. And thanks, Shepard, for allowing

Panda and I to run shop on you that day. We took lots of money

from him, which I loved. That was amazing. We love doing

that. And then most importantly, of course, shout out all of our

friends at Cabot anyway, thanks for listening. We'll catch you all

next time. Later. Did I tell you about my albatross? Thanks for

tuning in, everyone. Don't miss out on our upcoming golf giveaways and experiences.

They're exclusive to our subscribers, and all you got to do is

subscribe. And until next time, golf's easy. Think fairways and

greens. Here we go. Come on. Did I tell you about my

arbitrage? A go. Now you know.

Creators and Guests

Brandon Redding,
Brandon Redding, "ALBI"
Like a walk-off Albatross to win, this podcast is a rare bird indeed. Less etiquette, More hilarious, No story is too wild for our golf podcast. sept 23 launch
Laken Fischer
Laken Fischer "Panda"
Husband, PGA Teaching Professional, Superpowers: Comedy, One Liners, Whit, Intelligence. Crowd Favorite, Favorite Course: Tobacco Road, NC, Caddied at Bandon Dunes, Special skill of one liners and fixing slices, made Albi a reformed hooker.
Cameron Stack
Cameron Stack
Executive Producer | Partner at Podcast Sins Production and Strategy Firm