Lost Ball Marker, Great Podcast: DITYAMA Links Up with Golf Locker Founders

Lost Ball Marker, Great Podcast: DITYAMA Links Up with Golf Locker Founders

Are you going- are you going with Brando?


Brando, that's your name?

Yeah, I mean, I go by- I mean, people call me Albie, for obvious reasons.

But, uh, but, uh, nah, it's- I go by B. Most people call me B. Most people call me B, dude.

By the way, no one calls me Albie, except me.


Welcome to another episode of Did I Tell You About My Albatross?

I'm your host, Albie.

This is the goth podcast for honest degenerates.

It's like teeing up with your favorite foursome every week and diving into the best stories in and around goth.

You guys ready to tee off?

Let's go.

Welcome, welcome, welcome to another episode of Did I Tell You About My Albatross?

We got a good one for you tonight, man.

I'm so excited.

I've got, I got a special treat for you guys.

Like you'll notice that's not Shepard.

That's not Panda.

These are complete strangers up in my shed here.

So these are the Marker Locker guys.

We'll get more into the product.

We'll get more into what you guys are doing.

I'm excited about it.

Let's let's just kick off some introductions, man.

You guys want to introduce yourself, Baron?

Why don't you kick it?

Why don't you kick it off?

Yeah, sure.

So I'm happy to be here.

You know, I'm from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

I am one of the founders of the Marker Locker.

We played Lake Jovita.

Amazing round today.

Fun, exciting.

A lot of, I would say, down to the wire type of bets going on.

Degenerate bets.



So I'm excited to be here and glad to be with my partners.

Yeah, man.

Well, speaking of your partners, let's get let's get the rest of the dudes there.

There they are.

Look at those guys.

Guys are looking great over there.

I love it, man.

This is great.

Steve Kidd, obviously one of the founders.

It's a weird last name, dawg.

Yeah, no, man, it is.

I know.

You know, but I go by kid.

Yeah, you're that kid.

All right, I did not play today Unfortunately, I missed the miss around him to due to unforeseen circumstances.

We missed you out there Yeah, I missed you guys too, but we'll get out there again born and raised in Florida, man just trying to create a nice little gift out there for

Yeah, I can't wait to talk about the product.

I'm gonna I'm gonna actually pick your brains on a couple different things on it We'll get more into that here in just a second What's up, Fitz?

What's up, baby?

Yeah, can't wait to dive into it.

But Austin Fitzpatrick you go by Fitz So dude, like that sounds like you're you're kind of royalty there.

Like I didn't know that was your whole deal I thought it was just Fitz Irish Fitzpatrick surname a lot of royalty behind self self-proclaimed once again But Fitzpatrick is kind of a big deal.

Yeah I'll wear it on the arm

Oh, damn.

But, um, zoom in on that.

But yeah, great time today out there at Lake Jovita with Brandon.

We we had a awesome round.

It came down to the wire and can't wait to get out there and do it again, man.

We're happy to be here tonight, man.

Thanks for having us.

Thanks for coming.

I know that you guys have heard the story before, so we don't need to rehash it for the audience.

They're probably sick and tired of it.

I am happy.

It is the namesake of the show.

So if you guys want me to re recap it, I'd love to hear about it again.

I've never heard this story, so please tell me.

No, thanks, Baron.

You're my favorite out of all these cats.

What do they call you?

They call me Albie because I hit an albatross.

A two on a par five to win a tournament.

To win the tournament.

Now, here's the deal, guys.

What are the odds again?

It's one and, oh, actually.

No, yeah, yeah, yeah.

One and 650 million.

I'm actually going to, 640 million.

I'm actually going to pull it up.

Damn, damn.

I'm going to pull up the data.

I actually told these guys out on the course today.

I hired.

One and 640 million.

I hired a data scientist to actually.

So you're telling me there's a chance.

Actually here, I had it pulled up because I wanted to show you guys.

So I will flash this up on the screen for all those on YouTube, but you'll see that this guy here.

Who's that paper butt?

I can't say his name.

Prabhuta Bansal.

He's actually well known for his data scientist skills.

It took him, I just imagined some guy, like it took him three weeks to do it.

This dude's just a real analytical data scientist.

I just imagined Einstein in the back, just pulling his hair out.

Oh my God.


Curled up in a fetal position.

And you could have won the lottery twice.



Thank you, Barron.

Again, my favorite.

Tournament to double eagle approximately 600 million.

Oh, I thought it was 640.

Well, I'd say that still means 640, 600.

That's a lot.

The guys on the show, a lot of times they'll be like, hey, so what would you trade your albatross for?

It started with, I don't know, 50 grand, a hundred, I don't know, 75 grand.

Now I'm like- He keeps climbing.

I'm like, I'm not gonna sell that shit.

It proved to me, it proved to me anything's possible.

Anything in this crazy ass world that we live in is possible.

And that's priceless.

I mean, you know what you should sell it for.



600 million.

Yeah, exactly, yes.

Yes, 300, the chance of the powerball fine.

The whole thing here is you won a tournament.

That is the thing, right?

It's one thing to have an albatross.

It's another thing to do it to win a tournament.

Your name's got to be on that placard.

These guys, these guys.

We get it.

We get it.

The audience, like I don't know if y'all notice this, but these are my favorite dudes.

We get it right now.

I'm telling you, man, that is incredible.

I mean, I'm a three-times Laster champ, dude, so like.

Oh, here we go.

It's exhausting.

Yeah, the Masters tournament that we play every year.

Oh, three in a row.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

Here's my thing, I just thought that like- A lot of great things happened in my life, but it's the albatross to win the tournament.

I thought I was going to be famous, dude.

Like I really did.

I thought I was going to be like, I thought I was going to be on SportsCenter.

I thought Scott Van Pelt.

You'll see Chris Paul's jersey.

So every episode, I give a shout out to him.

And I always mention Scott Van Pelt on every episode because I'm going to get interviewed by both of them and we're going to blow this thing up.

Hey, let's make you famous, bro.

So my thing is- I'd love to hear that.

And I'm taking y'all with me.

We're going to take the marker locker with us.

The whole point of me bringing this up was because that's just a lucky shot.

I get it.

It's actually not just one lucky shot.

The whole reason I bring this up, at least for me, the best stories I come across either happen on a golf course, on a guy's golf trip.

And so I wanted a place where we could start documenting some of these.

And then more importantly, I wanted a place for our buddies.

And then eventually our audience can start sharing some of these most ridiculous, amazing stories that are in or related to


And that's why we started this thing.

So you guys like the reason I want to have you on so tying a big ass bow on it, I'll get there eventually, is because you guys have a great story too.

When I saw the product, we actually knew each other through mutual friends and got introduced.

I heard what you guys were doing.

Dude, I love the idea.

So I'm going to show you what happened today.

Let me introduce it this way.

So basically the way that I, whenever I go play a nice course, I go play nice courses sometimes, but it's not as often as I'd like until we get that Daphne head cover money until we get sponsored by that.

Shout out to Daphne head cover money.

Shout out to Daphne.

We give her a shout out every time.

She sounds hot, doesn't she?

She does.

Daphne, show yourself next time.

Six to midnight.

These guys think she's a he, but whatever.

But anyway, until we get the sponsorship money, it's limited when I go to nice courses, but one of the things I do is I usually will buy a nice ball marker, right?

I lose it every time.

So today, I've had this since we went on our master's trip, and I'm like, oh, the marker lucker boys, I'm gonna blow their mind with these masters.

So I pull it out.

One of a kind.

He was so excited to show us.

One of a kind.

Dude, lost it.

And what happened?


Lost it.

Lost it.

Lost it.

I say you have a locker to store them before he came and saw us lost.

I do you know You gotta go back now.

You know what it's actually fitting because I think that it's perfect of course I lost it because I was gonna have you guys on the podcast We know why you guys if you don't mind introduce the world to marker lucker man.

I feel like this is your Yeah, this is your go-to, right?


Hold on.

Hold on here.

Yeah, who had the idea like who had the initial idea here?


So we'll show it off here on the camera.

Yeah, right.

Yeah, show it off to our to our YouTube people as well Let me get that.

I'll never forget this phone call.

I'll never forget All right, so let's let's hear this phone call yeah, so I

I, I like to do this because you know, you got to give credit where credit is due most of the time.

And he's been incredible.

We've had an opportunity to talk to him and he's really been a great partner and the golf community in general so far has just been

Really open and welcoming and prime example.

We're on the podcast with you right now.



Everybody in general has just, you know, open arms.

But in December last year, I received the voodoo golf gift.

And what it is, is a little voodoo doll that you stick your tees in that hangs from your golf bag.

So dude, I had never heard of this thing until we were playing today.

What a great idea.

It's awesome.

It's phenomenal.

Incredible idea.

So simple, right?

Incredible idea.

And we've talked to Boaz.

He's the brainchild behind it.

What a great name, Boaz.

Boaz sounds like it would whip your ass.

I don't know if it's Boaz or if it's Boze.

We don't know.

We don't know.

No, no, we're gonna call him Boaz.

We've been going by Boaz.

He hasn't said anything yet.

So, got it as a gift and in January, I was doing my laundry like I have thousands of times.

January 2023.

January 2023, yes, this year.

So, it's been under a year.

Okay, damn, you guys have come a long way in here.

Yeah, and so,

heard my ball marker rattling around and light bulb went off.

And I said, how come there's nothing like this voodoo doll that we can hang from our bag, right?

That organizes all ball markers, it's not like a pouch, it's not hard to find, right?

And it kind of offers a little bit of swag, like a talking piece, right?

And so I called up Steve, called up Scott.

I said, hey guys, I got this idea.

Is it stupid?

You know?

And they're like, yes, super stupid, right?

Well, originally you said all I want is a magnet strip.


And I said, you can't patent a magnet strip.


And, uh, so.

Oh, interesting.



So the first idea was raw.

It was a raw idea.

It was just like a magnet, something that we can hang that was, you know, not proprietary.


And then Scott and Steve were like, dude, let's kind of think about some ideas.

And, uh, through a lot of doodling and, uh, long nights and conversations, um, we came out warm.


We came up with the locker.

We actually had a few ideas beforehand that were like a briefcase idea, toaster toaster, right.

Like where the chips would like pop up.

Oh, we kind of open like this in the middle.

Oh, interesting.

Um, before we landed on the locker and, um,

Once we landed on that, we went to a patent attorney, and right now we're patent pending for not only the utility, but also the design.

So the look of the locker, the way that it flows, and then the components in the locker.

Yeah, like the apparatus.


Yeah, or the poker chips.

And fast forward now to October, we're about a month out from landing our first product.

It's been a crazy rush.

And so you guys are going to launch in what, in November?

And in November.


That's awesome, dude.


Thank you.

Yeah, it's been a long road.

How did you bring these two guys along?

So I've known these guys for for a long time way too long.

Yeah since high school and Steve and I have been in business together previously before okay, and You know the three of us have always historically kind of worked well with each other so we're kind of good when it comes to knowing what pushes each other what makes each other tick, you know and

So why did, so let me ask you this.

So when they told you terrible idea, like that's stupid, what did you, what did you say?

Like, were you like, like, cause I mean, that's what my guys tell me all the time.

Like, they're like, I've got tons of crazy, stupid ideas.

So all jokes aside, actually, they were both like, and that's kind of how I knew at the time it was a decent idea is normally- They said no to it?

I don't hate it.

Yeah, it's kind of like the response

So then I was like, all right, it's got to be a decent idea.

Cause like, if it was really bad, they would have immediately just been like, don't call me with stupid ideas like that.



They would have shot it down.

How are you going to grow this thing out?

Do you know, like what are, there's so much to do right now.

Right now we've been learning so much regarding the patents, the, you know, being able to go to production, what goes into all the design components to this.

how many, you know, MOQs, like we didn't even know what MOQ was.

What is an MOQ?

Minimum Order Quantity.

Oh, yeah.

So then we have customizations.

We have all these all these types of things that we want to do from a roadmap standpoint and where we want to go strategically.

We have a lot of different ideas of how we could grow the brand.


But at this point, we want to be able to establish the the market itself of this doesn't exist.


There's nothing like this that exists.

at all.

It's so crazy because like you think that it would like you think that I mean dude these ball markers like some of them are 20-30 bucks like I mean it's crazy like I mean I'll go to some of them and there's there's Scotty Cameron ones that are out there for almost two grand.

No way.

Oh yeah.


True story.



That's why I think again like when we first came up with the idea

that it was a good idea at the time and continues to be obviously because there wasn't anything out there like that.

It was like one of those things where when we said it and we were thinking about it, it was almost like when we started going down the path.

The patent search.

When we were looking at the patent search.

It's not going to go anywhere.

What does that process look like, man?

I'm just kind of curious.

You said you went to a patent attorney.


Are there free consultations?

If you have an idea, walk us through.

I wouldn't say it's a free consultation.

We're learning that right now.

I wouldn't say it's a free consultation.

What I would say is...

If you want to protect yourself, yeah, it's really important to go down that road.

Oh, yeah, and it's important to make sure that you're not infringing right because there's there's so many good ideas out there Yeah, but really the question is did you were you the first to come out with it?

So and then it's only is it ten years like it's good for ten years or is it is it good for indefinitely or do you know?

Yes, it is 10 years.

I know it's 10 years, but I think you have to reapply every year.

You have to reapply.

Oh, so if you reapply, you're good.


We search hundreds of patents just to make sure that we weren't infringing on anything.

So is that a process that you guys do, or is that the attorney that does it?


Oh, wow.

So what happens is you- Give them the keywords, and then they search out different patents.

An attorney, you know, and then they say, you know, what's what's your goal?

What do you want to do?

Kind of how do you want to approach?

That's crazy.

And then they say, well, what's the idea?


You give them the idea.

And then they say, here's the records.


That could be be what you need to look at.

In your wheelhouse, right?

And then from there you go.

We went through I think hundreds.

I think it was like 370 records.

Wow, that could have been like a ball marker type housing device.


And fortunately, there was nothing out there that was too.

That's crazy.

It is crazy.


To me, it's crazy.

I mean, I think it's I just think it's a great idea.

But I guess it's how all the great ideas come about.

Like you said, like, why didn't I think of that?


This is really exciting.

I just love the concept, love the idea.

Where are you guys going with this thing?

So where we think right now, so what we think at this point is this is going to be the next talking piece collectible for all golfers, right?

So you think about every single PGA Tour event, every single golf resort, every single golf course,

swag bags, tea gifts, business promotions, anything you can think of to customize this.

Podcast giveaways.


Prime example, right?

Private labels.

I love the private label idea.

I think that's brilliant, by the way.

Licensing, sports, right?


Talk about the game that I loved I love because obviously if you look behind me here says a golf podcast for honest degenerates Obviously we are we're gambling today.

Yeah, I mean dude like I you know, I mean I we pay our bills And we take care of our kids so real quick Real quick before the betting like to to elaborate on Scott's yeah like licensing right so like you guys see the locker right and

So we're in Tampa right now all Bucs fans, right?

Yeah, so imagine that this is all decked out in Buccaneers Right and you open it and in the locker.

It's got there's a ball marker that has Mike Evans jersey and then like his cleats and


Oh, shit.

So like there's it comes with like ball markers in the whole locker.



So box prepackaged like a combo.



Well, that idea.

So the licensing opportunities are endless, especially for like most obviously NFL fans like NBA.

There's so many cross love that into golf.


So a lot of those fans are golf fans.


Like a lot of people that have, you know, that are fans of Bucks have like a Buccaneers golf bag.

Imagine having a locker to match.

Imagine like a Super Bowl limited edition on these, right?

Like, I mean, you could do one of ones, one of fifties.

Imagine an albatross one with a bird inside.

That's what I'm talking about.

That's it.

Did I tell you?

Two on the scorecard.

Oh, dude, with a scorecard?

With a scorecard and a two?

Oh, shit.

That'd be dope.

All right, now you got me.

That'd be dope.

It's actually something that is pretty valuable or something that could be very valuable for someone.

It's very personal.

It's something that would be just something different.

I think most golf mementos have been done dude like they're just they have yeah golf ball scorecards pencils They don't play it out a little bit over yeah overdone for sure.

Yeah, but about the betting game

Oh yeah, get back to the betting game.

You want to go to the betting game?

Let's let Howell take a stab at this.

Is this kid?

Don't call him kid.

To be honest with you, the betting game originated from just obviously having a collection of ball markers.

So we both have, all of us have our collection of ball markers and instead of betting dollar bills, we look at each other's ball markers and say, hey, I'll play you for that.

you know, master's ball marker, and you can play me for my, what my, where's my magic card?

That's way more important than $1, right?

So it's got a little pride to it.

These ball markers are amazing.

They're amazing, right?

That's Matchstick.

Just so they can't, for those that aren't tuned into YouTube, you need to be.

Look at this one, dude.

Shout out to Matchstick.

This is an old Game Boy cartridge.

No way.

How sick is that?


That's where it's going, man.

That's where it's going.

Dino Golf.

Oh my God, dude.

That's amazing.

Dude, these ball markers, you guys had some, you guys had Mutant Ninja Turtles earlier today.

Happy Gilmore.

Somebody's clothes are Happy Gilmore.

No way!

Oh my god, it's amazing!

It's genius.

I love these, but it's only a ball mark that gets lost unless you have a locker for it.

I love the idea.


That's cracking.


I love the idea.

So here's the thing about this gambling thing.

So I don't know that, all right, because we got to think this through.

Like, I love the idea of everything you've said so far.

You don't need to do a master's one in particular.

Yeah, no.

You don't have your master's anymore.

You lost it.

Brando, let me ask you a question.

Would you sack up and bet your master's on?

Probably not my best one, but see that's all right.

Why not?

What's that worth?

What's the worth?

I think I would rather go online and buy these really cool ones and do the blockbuster one or a really cool unique one that's not a golf course, a memory.

That to me is like a tangible memory that I wanna keep.

And so that, I may not be willing to gamble.

I've seen some cool ball markers, but they're usually just a courses.

I had no idea.

I really had no idea.

When you showed the string song black with that ball marker, it was amazing.

So I love that one.

Here's a rule, Brandon.

I'm just gonna throw this out here for everybody that's listening.

The rule is if it's in the locker.

Yeah, it's fair game.

It's fair game.

If you don't want it in the locker, put it in your bag.

That's why you need two.

You need one at home, you need one on your bag.

That's right, man.

That's right.

Wow, dude.

No, it's a golden rule.

Don't show up with anything in your locker that you're not willing to bet.

Thank you for our sponsors.

We're waiting on Panda.

Panda may hop in here any minute.

Panda, what's up, man?

Panda, what's up, bro?

What's up?

How we doing?

I gotta use headphones?



Let me get headphones.

I was just explaining to them the Stanford Business Professor, that story.

And this goes with kind of what I love about Panda and also what you guys are doing with the market.

I'm going to put a bow on this thing.

I'm going to do my best.

So the Stanford, I was just telling them, I heard a story today.

This is great.

So this Stanford professor challenged his class and said, hey, I'm going to give you guys $5.

And I'm gonna give you two hours.

You guys are gonna break into groups and then you're gonna come back and you're gonna present.

I'm gonna give you guys 30 minutes to present and you're gonna have to turn that $5 into a profit.

And then you guys explain your ROI.

Whoever has the most ROI and who can explain it the best wins.

So they go off into these groups, right?

The first group comes back and they say, yeah, we traded that $5 for something.

Like maybe they bought something and they were able to resell it and they, the best that those groups, and that was the majority of the groups, by the way.

The best that they could do is they could double what they had.

So a lot of them came back with $10.

Yeah, 100% return, which is great.

They came back.

So then the other groups, and this is like kind of another level up, they said the $5 is a distraction.

And I'm not really worried about the $5.

Really, what we need to do is figure out how we can make money, how we can actually make more money.

Who cares about the $5?

So they actually figured out, okay, we'll make reservations at a really fancy restaurant and then we'll sell the reservation.

So that's even more profit.

So they were able to sell like a really fancy reservation at a restaurant for like three times the amount.

So they would come back for like 15, 20 bucks.

All right, so the team that won it, listen to what they did.

This is great.

The team that won it said they realized that it wasn't really the real value in this whole thing was the fact they were going to get up for 30 minutes in front of like a hundred people.

And they were going to actually get up and like, you know, have like this opportunity to present something in front of a hundred people.

They went to three or four different local businesses and they, they sold them advertising time.

for them to go and get in front of a hundred different people.


For an audience.

And so they, they literally, their ROI was like thousands of percent.

And so like what it like kind of showed you is like, all right, yeah.

All you got to do is like think outside of the box and the way that you guys make, make like the marker locker work or like this podcast and like, you know, you just got to think differently than like the rest.

And I just love that story because again,

The Albatross.

Alright, so talking about the Albatross.




Tying it back in, baby.

So then the Albatross proved to me that, like, anything, like, you can definitely think, like, anything's possible.

Like, just think outside the box.

So, so Panda is really good at this.

So Panda has this idea.

He's had a couple of really good ideas.

That's why he's my boy.

But one of them, one of my favorites was the one-armed bandit.

Panda, why don't you, why don't you school him up on the one-armed bandit?

And then I want you to tell him about your new one that I am so, dude, I can't even sleep at night going on this thing.

The one-armed bandit was who can win a round of golf from pretty much the most forward tees, a golfer using only one arm or someone just physically throwing the golf ball.

Oh, man.

Like that.

The golfer using just one arm is really good at tennis, too.

And he's like a lowish handicap, so he's an actual good golfer.

He's not like a 7.

He's not like a 30 handicap.

Doing it with one arm.

Incredibly hard.

So we filmed it, and it was pretty cool.

And now we got content for life.


What did he shoot?

Did you guys do it?

Yeah, we did and yeah, we did match play.

We did match play.

I won on eight.

I think I shot 38 Wow, just throwing it throwing it.

Yeah, what was he?

What was he?

Yeah, Carol would yeah, Carol would we play from the Reds Wow nine holes?

So putting wise you have to literally roll it.

Yeah, the rule was I couldn't my feet couldn't move Well, then now they're mad at me for putting because I could like bend at the waist and basically everything inside That's so impressive

Everything like inside of five feet well cuz I can just bend over and just fucking drop it.


Yeah, it's long He threw the javelin, so you know yeah, okay?

He's sneaky lengthy.

He would be trouble on the basketball court.

You don't mess with him shut up That's the thing like golf is just so different these days right you're thinking We're still in advertising space instead of trying to yeah, I

Yeah, but no idea.

But no, so it's great idea.

It was amazing.

And and we're still adding it.

But dude, it's amazing.

Because like what was what was really interesting, too, is like the fact that he first of all, he can sling.

He can sling the golf ball.

He could do it.



Was that your was that your 110 was like the max.

If I had to like go 110 yards.

Are you are you crow hopping or are you just sidearm?

What are you doing?

Yeah, we put like a, I had an alignment stick that I put down basically like where I can't go past, but I can like, I can full on run at it.

You can full on hop at it.



Dude, the video is amazing.

I'll send it to you guys.

It's great.

So then, so now, what did you shoot?

I did have to ice my elbow.

No, I didn't.

What did the one arm do?

Oh, so he was good.

He actually played really surprisingly well.

But the problem, like, I mean, Pan had a great point.

Like, Pan is not going to throw it in the water.

He's not going to, like, and he did, he actually did throw it in the bunker.

But, you know, throwing it out of the bunker is pretty easy.

Hitting a bunker shot, one arm out of the, like, it's tough.

But, I mean, it came down to the next to last hole.

And I think what, what, what did Kuala Shutey shot, or Shepard, whatever we're calling him?

He would have shot stroke-wise a lot more because one of the par-3s, he made a par and he made a 43.

43 on a par-3?


It was like a forced carry and you can't miss right and he just kept rifling balls into the water.

It was great.

But I love, dude, I love the silly.

Like Panda gets like, they, they, him and the Shepherd, they kind of eye roll me because I just love silly.

I love, that's my favorite part about like all this stuff that we're doing.

So not silly.

This is a great challenge that he came up with the other day.

We're kind of, we'd love to get your opinion on it because we're getting ready to roll this thing out.

Panda, why don't you go ahead and brainstorm with these cats.

My next million-dollar idea is the, well, we need to workshop the name, but I'm calling it the D-Gen Special.

And basically, I'm gonna have a fairly nominal amount of money, let's say $100, $200, $300, and we see how long I can physically survive off of that money.

The only caveat is I can gamble to increase or lose the money.

But I want it to be full-on, like, I don't want any, like, I gotta pay for water,

Feed yourself on that yeah, how long can I survive you can eat well game not paying any bills or anything like that does he see I don't know yeah, maybe we got something So 300 bucks how long you could eat?

Eat and drink.

No, he's got to drink beer.

I have to get drunk every day.

Yes, I love that idea.

But you can gamble to increase it.

So if you were to go to the Rock or play poker or something, you could... I don't want you to turn into an alcoholic.

300 bucks?

You won't last two weeks.

No, two weeks would be a massive win.

Two weeks sounds fucking fantastic.

Would it really?

Two weeks?

You go through a hundred bucks a day.

Yeah, you wouldn't last two weeks.

But dude, this guy is really good at gambling.

I can't.

Well, we can't.

We can't have it go.

With gambling, you wouldn't last two weeks.

Yeah, we can't have it go.

I don't even know that I could go any amount of week because we got to film it all.

The problem is gambling it to increase it so even if you were to like pinch Pinch pinch, and it would be like dirt cheap.

You would go maybe a week and a half.

That's 40 bucks

What what is your what are you betting like what are you gonna go out?

Oh, yeah, what's the I'm definitely gonna have to I'm definitely gonna have to try to hustle golf to make money Yeah, like bet sports play cards shoot dice.

Yeah, they have a poker game offer interesting offer interesting prop bets and

Can you swallow a golf ball?

That's one of our favorites.

Can a human being, by the way, we ask everyone on our podcast, we ask this.

I think I brought it up when we met.

Can a human being eat a golf ball?

No way.

No way.


No way.

It is split down the middle, dude.

It is so crazy to me.

Who says that they can do that?

It's like 50% of people do.

Come on.

No way.

Time out.

There's people that have said that they could swallow a golf ball.

Shaquille O'Neal can swallow it for sure.

Oh, I'm sure.

I'm sure.

He's got a huge esophagus, a huge throat.

If Shaquille O'Neal is listening right now.

He's not.

When this goes live.

Not yet.

To be honest with you, a lot of females probably said yes.

Not one person.

Absolutely he could.

No way.

Oh, yeah.

All right, see, that's our second bet.

We got some bets going.

Look, I think it's a very great, like, this is what I love about our, like, like, that's the, this is, like, our wheelhouse, like, wait, what is the guy, like, what is, what's in Jordan Spieth's mind?

That's not really our wheelhouse.

Our wheelhouse is, can you swallow a golf ball?

Can you live with $200 and gamble your life away and still get drunk every night?

I'd love to see that.

I'd love to see that, the $200.

We're going to have to really revisit this later.

I'm super confused.

There's people out there that think they can swallow a golf ball?


Yeah, I mean you can eat, you can chew it.

It's gonna be hard to chew.

We're not talking about feathering.

We're talking about a proby one.

It's just such a great thing.

You can't bite into a golf ball, but there's people that think they can just straight up swallow it all the way down the gullet.

I mean, think about, what's his name?

Joey Chestnut?

Yeah, Joey Chestnut is who we thought.

That's who Pandathon is.

He throws a hot dog down his hosel.

Dude, a hot dog circumference is way smaller than a golf ball.

It is such a passionate subject.

I just love it.

How would you even know that?

It is such a passionate...

The best rebuttal is somebody said, people swallow swords.


They choked.

They had to go immediately to the hospital.

Yeah, we have to, we're going to do this, because what I said is, I said, because I know that I won't say that.

Can you hire a data scientist, please?

A golf ball?

Yeah, well, so I told him about the data scientist, it's great.

So, we can't pronounce his name when it was, we got to change his name up and be more believable.

But, but anyway.

No, the fact that you can't pronounce his name is believe.

Yeah, that's true.

That's a good point so so no the the thing is is he said that if I well I told my commitment is if I reach or when we reach a Hundred and fifty that I think it's a low number dude when we reach three hundred and fifty thousand subscribers.

Let's go I will gonna eat it

I will not eat a golf ball.

You have to try it.

I will stop telling my Albatross story.

I will never talk again.

You won't.

You won't.

You've got 350,000 people listening to it.

No way.

It'll be docked.

No way, because that's how you're getting people listening to it.

You're not going to stop when you get there.

People will ask me.

I think this is going to go viral, dude, because people will be like, oh, we'll have you on The Tonight Show.

Do you want to tell Fallon?

Hey, so tell me about your Albatross.

Like, I can't.

I can't.

How did you get the story started?

That'd be great.

Dude, you want to walk down the street, and people would be like,

I'm surprised they don't already it's stupid that they don't and and so anyway He said are you gonna eat that golf ball in that trophy that you made by yourself because you can tell That's the ball that's the ball and that is uh, that is the trophy that I made cuz then the shadow box Yeah, I should have a black out there.

It's ridiculous.

Um, so anyway, so the Before we get is that all Carol would gave you they didn't give me that I had to make that from I went to Joanne's fabric

Maybe it was Michaels and I bought the shadow box and then I printed out a sheet of paper.

Did you print it out and cut it out?

Cut it out and I put some stickers on it.

Did they send you an email for this?

They did have an email, but guess what they forgot?


The albatross.

They said, congratulations, Brandon Redding, I probably edited that part out, Albie made an albatross on hole, on the last, they didn't even say last hole, they said on pine one.

They forgot the fact it was the last shot of the tournament.

To win it.

To win it.

They left all that out.


Classic motherfuckers, so you won though.

It's our girl.

Did you tell him everything do you have the whole deep?

Yeah, the whole deep dive the play on everything We tied for the way We've hung out with him for the last eight hours, so we They're gonna throw up over

I once saw the bestest, he once... Do you have any albatrosses?

No albatross.

Here's the odds game.

How many times does Brandon tell the story?

The best one is he once told somebody the story before he told them his name.

He told them the story before he introduced himself.

Don't doubt that.

Your name is in the story.

It's a legacy.

That's all I got, dude.

I mean, my poor kids.

They're even like, Dadai, we can't no more.

My wife's over, she's getting ready to leave me, but it's fine.

You know, so I think that, no, so you don't have an albatross, do you, Panda?

But you've got some pretty cool things.

No, Billy does.

Yeah, our other host does.

You name your son or daughter Pine?

Pine would, yeah, Pine, that'd be great, that'd be awesome.

My kids are completely screwed from sports though, like they're not gonna ever beat daddy's albatross or whatever.

They got a lot to live up to.

Yeah, that's impressive.

So yeah, you were saying your acquaintances have an actual albatross as well.

Yeah, so are so we we know actually hear about this.

What's so crazy?

I don't know if the odds like they say it's one in six million.

I don't know if that's true because we do know a lot of people like 600 million.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

We forgot that we know a lot of people Yeah, I'm good on firing him very paid a lot of money on that No, but I think the the the question is like we so we yeah We know well I was telling him so do what's crazy is Nick our buddy Nick.

We call him sir Nick You'll hear them the rap song that we're gonna drop also in this episode And and his name is sir Nick and so he he actually saw it.

He was the guy waiting at the other green

on the green waiting for us to finish.

He's the one that told me that, you know, hey, it went over.

So what's crazy is he had one a month earlier and I was in his group and I saw it going.

So we saw, it's ridiculous.

We were in two hours.

What are the odds?

What are the odds of that?

What are the odds of that?

Dude, I'm telling you, there's like, dude, that's gotta be like 1.2 billion.

I'm not, dude, I'm telling you, I know it sounds stupid.

I get it.

It's not.

We should get, we should get, uh, we should hire Cheebob for our,

Eagle Eagle back-to-back.

Yes, they have that's actually on our show notes.

So do they have any they were playing the Eagle?

The Eagles the name of the course is the Eagles Exactly



Where were y'all playing?

I thought you were playing the Eagles.

No, no.

It was of course in Lakeland.

In Lakeland.

I don't know where it was.

Eagle trace.

Eagle trace.


Eagle run.

And it was, it was like hole three and a straight forward par four.

I hit a good drive.

I had like 140, 50 in.

I made the Eagle.

And the next hole, coming back, so it was down, back, same layout, straightforward.

Scott hit a really good drive, had the same number in, I think, 130 or so.

Made the Eagle.

Back-to-back Eagles.

Back-to-back Eagles.

Let's go.

Yeah, let's go.

It was crazy.

That is crazy.

It was nuts.

What are the odds?

What are the odds?

We probably still shot 81-82.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

The odds probably are 601 million to one.

I think it's better than knowing someone that made an amulet draw.

Let me just break down what happened here, Panda, and then we're going to get into our favorite questions, and then we'll probably wrap it up.

The big thing is, they first of all said, what's worse, Panda, this question came up, what's worse?

Sandbaggers or reverse sandbaggers?

What do you mean by reverse?


They take it back?

So they're like, oh dude, I'm a four.

And then they're like, wow, you shot a 97 and you're not a four.

For me as a degenerate gambler on the golf course, it's sandbagger.

It's way worse.

Reverse sandbagger is awesome.

I love those.

Yeah, I can't I can't I can't Sandbaggers isn't my pet you deal with it every time on the market.

Yeah, I mean Remember guys are stupid you're playing guys of 15 that are fours, and you get you're giving you you're giving them six shots That's why I have more weight on the member member like pandas one the member member gross what twice now or Yeah, gross is completely different

What do you mean?

Yeah, I mean, that's without.

Yeah, that's true.

That's a good point.

But I mean, you're like the member.

Yes, they only look at net.


And net.


And it's this year you played.

I don't even plan it because it's a joke because of that concert.

Fix our greens and fix that scoring over the last one.

Tell us how you really feel.


Thank you for having me.

It's a great club.


Last one.

I played him and the guy shot a twenty nine.

He said it was a six handicap.

I mean.

I'm like, okay.

He shot a gross 29.

Gross 29.

Gross 29.

I shot a 33.

He shot a 29.

I would walk off the golf course.


But that's every single time.

Before he was complaining that he only got one stroke.

You know, the sandbagger does seem like it's worse.

I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with the unpopular opinion here.

I'm gonna say reverse.

I don't like the reverse The reason I don't like the reverse is It takes a lot for those people that have gotten to a low handicap to get there Yeah, they know what kind of work it takes and when you play with those people that are like Oh, yeah, man, like I'm a four or five and then they go out and shoot a 96.

You're like, come on, man

Like, you don't, you're not that guy.

Yeah, but if you're betting against him, you're winning.

But I'm going to take the betting out of it.

That's what I'm going to say, the unpopular opinion.

It's just more of a pride thing.

I got you.

I think for me, it's a pride thing.

You used to be that guy.

Yeah, I have been that guy for real.

I fought to get down to where I am handicap wise.


So like if I play somebody that's the same handicap as me and then I'm going out and shooting 80 and they're in 96 and they're saying they're at my level, I'm like, bro, you're not putting the work in.

I got you.

You're not.

So it's like for me, I'm going to go with the unpopular.

I'm going to say the reverse.

I'm kind of with you.

I don't like people to lie about their handicaps.

just in general.

I think golf is such like an ethical kind of like you know we're out there making sure you're doing the right thing right like it's a whole like you got to be honest thing.

Honest degenerate.

Yeah and for somebody to go out there and say a number that they're not dude and but it goes both ways but for me it's the reverse.

Panda name some of our t-shirts.

I was trying to remember some of them.

I got a couple of them like uh we got we got eat that bug we have oh dude so there's certain

What's that?

Adderall and salad's a great one.

I love that one.

What were the ones you were saying on the golf course earlier?

Adderall and salad.

Adderall and salad.

Bunkers happen.

Bunkers happen.

Bunkers happen.

See you on the next tee.

Where's my range finder?

Where's my range finder?

That's a great one because I just lost mine.

That is a good one.

I love that one.

Have you seen my range finder?

You got a tee, Akebaro?

That's a great one yes, yeah, I love that one too all right, and then we got then to win What's that then to win then to win?

I like that uh?

Yeah, we had some good.

I feel like we're missing a bunch buddy like Sam Steve plays chicks for money Who the fuck is Harry Cooper is that is it Harry Cooper?

You know Harry Cooper is no we're gonna do a deep dive on them.

We need you now I

Dude, he, no, no, nope, he didn't.

There should be one that your shirt should say, that's a great shot.

And it should be like a parenthesis sarcasm.

It's a great shot.

I love it.

It's recorded.

I'm going to take it.

I'm stealing all your brain power.

We're doing a brainstorming session.

We're gonna make millions off all these shirts.

So then, yeah, so Harry Cooper, who the fuck is Harry Cooper is a great question.

It's definitely a shirt.

Who the F is Harry Cooper?

Harry Cooper is the winningest player on the PGA Tour of all time to have never won a major.

I believe he has 31 titles.

Have you ever heard of Harry Cooper?




Nobody hears about him.

Who the fuck is he?

How many times has he won?

I think it's like 31 or something.

Wait, hold on.

He's won 31 times in the BGA Tour and we don't even know about it.

And he's never won a major.

Never won a major.


Well, he did most of them in the 30s.

Yeah, they were a long time ago.

He's a good looking dude though.

He has 30.

She's he actually finished second in all of the majors at least once though.

Oh, no way.

Did you really that's incredible?

You know panda knows the name of certain golfers moms this blue man this blue my my he is what's tiger you gotta listen to pie

Cuz like dude some of his like we'll do the panda we'll do the panda trivia stuff and like it's literally like he'll answer the question and like Savant like yeah, dude my buddy like our buddy qual and I'll like look at each other like how like how do you know that like it's just crazy to me anyway?

He's like his mom is Matilda.

It's yeah Matilda see like how do you know that Tigers mom is yeah?

His dad is Earl and his yeah, we know yeah, all right P. Yeah He's probably banging chicks up in an RV right

And then all right, so I think that's so yeah, just to give you idea what happened today Oh the twitch Do we know anyone else that have twitches after they make a good shot?

That came up today too because if our boy Fitz here has a twitch after he hits was a really yeah No, no, I don't so

I made a 70 foot bomb putt.

It was amazing.

That was like a double breaker downhill.

These marker locker dudes can putt, dude.

It's unbelievable.

It was a Kevin Kiz.

I rolled a rock, dude.

Just like that.

These guys are unbelievable.


I threw my club up.

ran around the green, lost it.

He did.

He did.

Oh, I went full blown.

It was a 70-footer.

It was a 70-footer.

They chest bumped.

I was not.

I needed help, dude.

And you were inside.

You were inside all of us.

Yeah, but I missed.

I ended up, yes, I lost.

Yes, exactly.

It was an absolute just gem.

It was impressive and I lost it.

Yeah, but I wasn't I wouldn't say it was a tick It was just like a natural reaction.

Oh, there was something else though that happened.

You were like you you said When I make when I make something I get quiet I don't say anything yes It's annoying it's annoying like we're out there to have a good time right and like I

You can't take it too seriously.

You're just out there having fun.

And this dude gets so quiet.

all of a sudden when he's playing well.

And we're like, dude, just have a good time.

Smile, laugh, have a good time.

And he will literally walk off the green away from us.

And Steve and I will look at each other.

We're just like, Fitz.

I just love when you get frustrated because you guys love it.

We're just playing, dawg.

We're just hanging out.

And he's just like, he's starting to read.

Maybe he's just focused.

No, he's just reading his notes on his phone.

Like, what do I need to do in the next hole?

We're just like, you have notes?

Hang on a second.

You have notes?

Yeah, dude.

You know what it is, honestly?

You have a book about how to play golf, right?

It's pure jealousy is what it is.

It's definitely not jealousy.

It's like I make a great shot, and these guys get upset, and then they don't want to talk to me.

I walk away.

First of all, we always talk.

You're the one that doesn't talk.

You just walk away.

You grab your ball.

You're like, oh, that was a great shot.

Thank you very much.

On to the next tee.

That's it.

Oh, OK.

So let me tell you what Steve and Scott do.


Oh, let's hear this.


This is what we're going to break this company up.

This is what Scott does every time.

He doesn't say anything either.

This is what he does.

That's pretty cold though.

And this guy right here, right?

This is what he does.

That is true.

Oh, to no one?

I love that.

Yeah, to no one.

I love that.

So I just grab my ball, walk away, don't say anything.

These two.

This is the worst.

This is the worst of what he does.

Here we go.

He will split the fairway, right?

This drives me fucking insane.

He will split the fairway and I'll be like, where did that go?

Where'd it go?

Someone to literally tell him that it was right in the fairway, and you know what I tell him it's in the water.

Yeah It's actually really hard to get any of you guys serious with those headphones on I'm actually taking this one.

I'll leave

I got you.

I got you a new new headset.

Oh, yeah, so We got buddies.

I was telling these guys like we you know our boy crane whenever he makes a long putt he always all your guys Yeah, we said I'm gonna yeah.

Yeah, so we oh.

Oh yeah, tell me the mic dude tell me Yeah, that's a kangaroo dude, and we already have one of those But he's got a tattoo.

I think it's a little more committed than our boy Brad I don't know this are you lefty?

He is.

So here's what's crazy.

I'm actually ambidextrous.

I do everything right, but I write with my left, so.

I'm amphibious.


I'm amphibious.

Yeah, dude, that's totally like that.

Dude, that is, that's pretty crazy, right?

Like he happens to be left-handed, kangaroo.

I told him a story about how we named Brad.

So Brad's a corn fairy guy that we had on the show.

I can't believe we got him in the shed.

What's Brad's last name?


Yeah, he's a guy up at Plantation Palms.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's where Panda is.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

We know him.

Hey, you know what, Ryan?

Are you at Plantation Palms?

You know Ryan up there now?

One of the guys, Ryan Buffington.

Like Ryan that works in the shop?


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That used to work at Carolwood?





I don't know Ryan.

We play pogo with him on Tuesdays.

Yeah, he's a friend of a friend.


Yeah, so Bruner, we're good by, like, so he, we went to Casa de Campos, uh, down in Pro-Am tournament.

Yeah, Tito, you know about that?

No, I don't.

Oh, oh, nice, nice job reading.

All right.

I was like, oh damn, dude.

Uh, that was awesome, dude.

That was good.

Uh, where's my, where'd my ball go?

Like in the fairway.

No, so no we so we had Yes, so Bruner was here and I haven't seen him.

I mean dude super nice guy great great guy like he and yeah He's obviously been increased by one of the best golfers I've ever seen you know player I've ever played with but I've seen him out there on the range striping it

Oh, dude, it's amazing.

And, you know, obviously he's left-handed.

He came in here and I'm like, it's one of the things we do.

I'm going to have you guys peg first, but he's already got one.

I got it.

I'm working on your ass, dude.

I can't think of it.

Panda, help me out here.

If you can think of a good animal for this dude.

And, and actually this guy kid.

Well, you can't force it.

I know.

Actually doggy you're you're back in the day with silverback

Oh, yeah, that is true.

Oh, a great quote.

Oh, this is perfect, Panda.


All right.

This is another question.

All right.

So this is where I lose track.

All right.

Hang on.

Let me tell this story with Brad.

So Brad was here.

So we did the spirit animal.

Yes, it's our thing.

That's why Daphne is going to be one of our sponsors.

She sounds hot.

She's going to send us our sponsorship money.

Please send it.

We don't know that for sure.

We don't know.

We're not sure.

We're hoping.

Daphne head covers.

We're not sure.

She sounds hot.

But that's the reason Panda's named his name, because I saw his head cover, and now his wife calls him Panda.

And that's also why, when Brad came in here, his spirit animal ended up being a kangaroo.

Because I asked Panda, I'm like, look up what's predominantly a left-handed animal.

And kangaroos are the first on the list.

It's crazy.

left-handed and that's crazy so so but I look at him and he's like and he's like oh I like kangaroo and I'm looking at him he's got a hoodie on and dude he's got pockets and he's got a pouch I was like oh shit it blew my mind dude it blew my mind I couldn't believe it like that is just great like I love that so then the other question this came up too from panda this is another reason I love my panda so he said he had this question what

And we'll go down the rabbit hole on this, man, because we can bring up a bunch of animals.

What beats what?

So you're saying in a competition, right, Panda, we're talking about just in a brawl, like an all out, like what kills what?

Are we talking silverback?

What was it, a silverback and a what?

It's a silverback or a grizzly bear, and much different from the golf ball.

This one has a very... I don't know.

Grizzlies are crazy, dude.

This one has a definitive answer.

There's no way, dude.

Grizzlies are nuts.

Grizzlies will fucking tear you up, dude.

But the strength of a silverback, dude, is incredible.

Another great.

I love these questions.

These are the best they're really good.

What did you said?

There's a definitive answer there can't be Definitely team grizzly a grizzly is sometimes 3,000 pounds and Her bag is about a thousand all the fans out there.

We're gonna put this on the pole What do you think wins in a battle on team silverback?

I'm gonna throw a wild card out there.

Oh honey badger

Honey badger.

Both of those will eat.

Is that your spirit animal?

I'm just saying, honey badgers are nuts, dude.

Is that your spirit animal?

Are you calling your own spirit animal here?

No, I'm not calling it own, but have you seen a honey badger?

I kind of look a little bit like a honey badger.

Let's take a look here.

Have you not seen a honey badger?


Oh, man.

What was a gorilla or a grizzly bear would just literally go...

Yeah, they would eat it.

What's the guy that's a pro honey badgers in the name?

They played from Arizona.

Tyron Matthew.

Thank you, Panda.

You got a question, I got you.

He's got money on him this weekend.

He's a chief.

Is he playing?

He's still playing.

He's old.

Wow, good for him, man.

No, literally.


Grizzly bear.



Oh, easy, dude.


Hippo is the most dangerous land animal, for sure.

Are they really?

I didn't know that.

Oh, yeah.

Hands down, hippos are the most dangerous land animals.

See, Pan didn't even hesitate.

He said hippo.

Yeah, hippos are pretty nasty, though.

I don't know.

Oh, dude, they'll... beast.

I think statistically they're the most... they've killed the most humans and stuff.

Oh, because they think you can go up and pet them.


Is that a manatee?

Is that a manatee?

I'm from Florida.

Is that a manatee?

Gentle giant.

Yeah, so, okay, so then getting back, alright, so did I, alright, so I thought I was off track.

I'm getting, kind of getting back on track.

This is, see, I'm all over the place without you here, buddy.

Uh, the other thing we talked about is Brando.

So, so we're talking about tics.

So, alright, so we got Crane with his nose thing.

I've played with him where this guy catches fire, dude.

What do you mean, and he just does this?

That's what he does.

Like, when he makes a big putt, oh, dude, that's a little maneuver, and it drives me.



I love the guy.

Like, he, he was in my wedding, actually.

I love the guy.

Drives me fucking crazy, dude.

Oh, I'm gonna start doing that.

I can't say it.

Before where his nose will start bleeding he's on fire.

Oh my god, and I've lost so much money I'm like, I can't take it love the guy though.

Uh, so then the other thing like so today, dude I have had a reputation of doing this before where I call a shot before it's actually in Memorial.

Oh boy, we're playing old Memorial while that guy's a story where I

where I made a putt and I'm like looking at the caddy and I'm like and I like look at my friends I'm like tweet tweet motherfucker and then the caddy looks at me and he goes actually that was for par.

It's great.

And so today very similar.

I like hit a pot and it was it was part three It was a part three.

I'm like, oh that's that's it's Andy from off the French to walk it in dude And I'm like, oh I said, let's go did one of the Nana's and it went in and out lift up pin in or pin out

What is a pin was out and out?

You can't even blame it on it.

No, it wasn't the pens fault It just I can't I'd always do that now.

He got a little ahead of himself.

I'm not I did I did I got a little ahead of myself.

So anyway, uh And then just to give you a heads up what happened if we play 5 3 1 cuz Steve here ditched us And you couldn't come on less than an hour's notice.

So we had to play with You're better than that

giving lessons, fixing slices.

Is he even here?

I mean, we can't see him.

We don't know.

He's eating pizza.

We don't know.

We can't see a panda.

We never even knew.

What kind of pizza did he get?

He's hungry.

Did he say Papa John's?

You never know what you're doing back there.


Panda's gone.

We had a good run with him.

Absolute pleasure.

Panda, he's the talent.

It's so hard to keep these prima donnas happy and satisfied and paid.

All right, Panda, we're going to... What kind of pizza was in his contract?

We, uh, Supreme?


Supreme Pizza.

He left us.

I hear him.

What is he doing?

He just straight up left us.

No, I hear him.

God, you gotta love these.

Shuffling around, dude.

What kind of junkyard show is this, dude?

What is going on here?

You can't go to the bathroom when you're on the podcast.

I mean, come on.

What is going on?

Pan, are you with us?

Not even any respect to be like, excuse me.

I'm going to take a, you know, a standoff.

The pizza's here.

Oh, is that what you said?

You hear him?

He's the delivery guy.

He's talking to the delivery guy.

Oh, that's different, okay.

Hey, Panda, what is he doing?

Dude, it looks like something from... Jane's Addiction when they did that.

No, no, no.

You know what it looks like?

It looks like your second Jane's Addiction.

You like that?


Chris Paul.

It looks like the Blitter Witch Project.

It does.

That is what it looks like.

It looks like the Blitter Witch Project.

He has got games on.

Can you tell me about this Chris Paul?

Yeah, so CP3, shout out Chris Paul.

I do it on every episode.

So he grew up in my, he went to my high school.

I'm a lot older than him.

Where are you from?

Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Shout out Louisville Clemens.

Shout out Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Shout out NC!


North Carolina!

Come on and raise up!

Take your shirt off!

This is why you don't know your friends.

So he went, he played.

North Cackalacky.

Yeah, you know Elk.

I'm an Elk, baby.

Anyway, all right, Panda, we're gonna let you run, dude.

Are you still on here?

He's probably just eating.

He's enjoying it.

Panda, oh, he's calling me.

I've tickled him.

Here he is.

Hey, we're live on the air.

Hey buddy, how you doing?

The sound cut off.

It's all good.

Yeah, no worries.

Oh, we could actually, yeah, no, it's all good.

You sound great.

No, it's all good, man.

We'll, we're gonna let, we'll let you eat, man.

Well, thanks for hopping on here.

I just want to introduce you to the boys.

Thanks for coming.

We'll come and check you out man, we'll come play with you

Yeah, yeah, okay Anyway, um all right.

Let me ask you a couple more questions.

I'll get you guys out of here Let's hear one time so are there more this is not really goth related But I ask everyone this are there more eyes or legs in the world take any bean on the planet.

Oh eyes any bean Limbs or legs legs Now think about the ocean

Okay, so any and there's not a right or wrong answer like we don't know the answers any B eyes or legs Great question, huh?

Wow, so Specify please a little bit.

Yeah, I can tell you So are we talking are we talking?

Legs, I'll take a beer legs from leg octopus legs Yeah, that counts or eyes or eyes.

Yeah, I

No fins tentacles don't count tentacles tentacles our eyes then our legs eyes our tentacles legs I don't know about that one.

Okay, if you do tentacles and you have the No, what do you call an octopuses legs tentacles those are tentacles those are tentacles

I would say okay.

Well, I'm counting Okay, yeah, oh I'm saying legs now

I just realized, man, you gotta not only hold that big ass mic, but you're also sitting in the most uncomfortable chair.

You're really struggling, probably.

I'm good.

Alright, sorry about that, dude.

Put your mic up, please.

That's why you work out.

Spiders have like, eight eyes, don't they?

Do they?

Or no, they have eight arms.

They have six eyes, I think spiders would have eight legs.

Yeah, dude.


So, I like, dude, these guys were waking up early for the... What a question.

Yeah, you can't do it.

You can't go for it right now.

There's insects.

No, you can go for it.

It's just not going to tell you anything.

I mean, I've like, I spent a lot of time on this.

I mean, why'd you pull up the answer?

That'd be so great, dude.

You know what I love about you, dude?

You are a super, like, number analytical.

Bro, look at that guy with eyes.

Those are all eyes, dude.

Your brain is like, like the albatross, right?

Like, I feel like a lot of people would be like,

Dude, this story's great, right?

Like, I gotta tell people.

Not a lot of people would have been like, I gotta get somebody to give me the eyes.


I appreciate that.

Thanks, man.

That's Curiosity.

It's a superpower.

Everyone should use it.

It really is, though, because a lot of people aren't curious like that.

This guy's got six eyes.

Dude, that is weird.

What the fuck is that thing?

That's an extreme.

Show that to the camera.

It's a wolf spider.

Wolf spider, bro.

Wolf spider.

I knew the spiders.

I honestly didn't tell him.

Hey, I'm going legs, though.

No, you can't go legs, because you think about it.

How many legs are on a spider?

How many?

All right, eight.


But how many eyes?

They got, they counteracted it.

They got, all right, that's minus two.

How many, how many, how many fish out there?


How many fish that don't have legs?

Now you're talking.

Oh fish fish think about the fish.

Let's go.

Yeah, just have octopus.

Yeah, but you have a lot of squid.

That's it You show me something that just had multi.

I didn't know there was something How many so many goals so someone what what I'm saying?

What is the surface area of the ocean versus land?


Yeah, right, we don't even know what's out there.

I mean right.

It's infinite so absolutely eyes

look at this guy this guy's got like a million eyes i love it dude this is so like these are the questions these are the questions i know you've been really good about that another one next window let's hear another one all right are there more windows than doors yes in the world absolutely man that's a great question yes yes yes

Think about how many windows there are in a house.

Interior doors.

There you go.

Now you think about it, right?

Cabin doors.


Car doors.

Locker doors.

Marker lockers.

Another plug.

Shout out to our sponsor, Marker Locker.

Coming to another golf shop near you.

I'm going to say doors.

For sure.


Let's talk about the White House.

Look how many windows they got.

Yeah, but think about how many secret doors they have.

Think about every single downtown building that's all windows.


Imagine all those doors they got, all those office rooms, and all the stalls, and all the cabinets, and all the bathrooms.

That's a great point.

I mean, I just, I don't know.

Are you calling cabinets doors?

Yeah, yeah, those are doors, 100%.


Cabinets for sure though.

What else you got?

Um, that may be, those are, that's kind of the, that was it.

Well, I mean, that's most of them.

You had two for us.

Here's a good question.

Here's a good question.

You have all day, right?

At a par 3 hole.


That's an attackable hole.



150 yards.

How many shots?

As many as you can get in.

You have all day.

So you're the only one there on the tee box.



However many shots you can get in.

Be 200, maybe a 300.

Don't know.

But you got all day to get a hole in one.

For a million dollars or you can't play golf for 10 years.

Yeah, I've seen some of these memes.

These are like, if you can land the green, then you get, or you can't play golf.

Hole in one.

So it's one, I mean, I know the odds on this.

10 years or a million dollars.

It's one in 17,000 on a hole in one.

Is that what it is?

That's like the greed.

That's like, yes, that's like the, that's pretty much the, that's what everyone says.


So you'd have to do 800 chats an hour.

Pretty much.


Unless they have lights.

You're not going to do that.



We're talking about 24 hour period.

What we talk about here.

I wouldn't do it.


A million dollars or no golf for 10 years.

I wouldn't do it.


It's 10 years and no golf million, but it's 150 yards and it's an attackable hole.

I can't play any kind of golf.

Like I can't play.

Like I can't throw the ball at the hole or I can't do that.

You have to, you have to hit it.

No more golf balls.


So you I don't think I'm doing it you would get 17,000 shots.

No, you wouldn't know however many you could get in in 24 You're getting something shot.


No you put your realistically you're probably getting in 300 maybe what's the distance again?

150 when blown or is it no stagnant said didn't VJ like hit a thousand a day or something like that?

shots yeah a thousand okay maybe a thousand not 17 300 not 17 but think about it right you're you're you're going to try to get it lined up like you're not it's not going to be just like you're on the range firing darts i would where's the pin it's a pin like it's a scoreable pin like put it that way it's not like it's attackable it's not like it's another water i'm not gonna give up golf dude are you picking up your balls after each

Oh, yeah.

So we got to have a guy.

Oh, yeah.

So you would be out there moving the ball.

Give me a robot.

That's a great question, by the way.

Great fucking question.


You got to have questions like that to really make these work.



Well, then I don't know.

Put it this way.

It's a million dollars.


But you're not getting the odds.

The odds are in your favor.

No, they're not.

No, no, but I'm saying the fact that like the conditions are fine.

It's an attackable.

Uh, you're only getting a thousand shots versus a one in 60.

They're moving it out.

Like it's not, it's the, the variable factors that make it hard are not hard.

So take all those out.

It's a good question.

I don't know, man.

I'm going $1,000,000.

Are you?


For 10 years.

I don't want to give it up for 10 years.

Me either.

For $1,000,000?

I'll be 48, dude.

Oh, is it just 10 years, you said?



Oh, you would do it for 10 years?

I think I'm gonna make it, so... You'd go out.

I'm just saying, bro.

You got confidence?

I mean, worst case, you just don't play for 10 years.

Watch my kids grow up.

Be a good dad.

Get my life back on track.

Give up the podcast.

You think about it, that's the worst case.

Yeah, but then you'd give up the podcast.

Do I have to give up the podcast, too?

I guess I'll talk about it.

Oh my God, it'd be torture.

All my buddies would be like, dude, this course is amazing.

Where are you, like... I only have nine more years.

How was Augusta?

It was, uh, it was, oh dude, listen to the site fans tune out.

If you already heard the story, cause I'm gonna tell it again.

Cause it's great.

So do we go, we, we, so, you know, I thought, I thought for a long time, I thought for sure I was going to get the lottery.

Like that's, that's, you know, anything's possible.

Don't get me wrong.

But so we just spent a lot of money on the practice round.

We went up on Monday.

It was amazing.

And we go up there and so what was your first purchase?

uh at the masters yeah uh well that was that was like relatively soon my first purchase was actually a egg salad uh no what did i buy a beer i think i just bought a beer you didn't buy that you know what we noticed a lot of mustache guys up there uh it was we were like dude it was like it was like overwhelming how many guys had i'm like why are there so many guys with like good mustaches

We actually got our picture, I'll flash it up on the YouTube.

I'm like, this guy with his mustache, I hope he doesn't mind.

I told him we're in a podcast, we're gonna do a mustache.

When did you go?

So we went for Monday.

Monday practice round.

This last time?

Yeah, this last time.

So we were there, we waited like an hour and a half for Tiger, Rory, and Freddie, and then Kim would come up there.

So we were there, and I'm looking down, we're waiting on him.

And all of a sudden, Crane, the guy that does the nose thing, he looked at me and he goes, hey, your shirt's on inside out.

And I'm like, what?

And I looked down, I'm like, oh shit, my shirt is a Lululemon shirt.

I'm a big Lululemon guy.

I'll just go ahead and tell everybody.

Shout out.

Give us that sponsorship money, Lulu.

It's the softest shit ever.

They do have good clothing.

Great clothing.

I'm actually wearing Lululemon.

I'll tell you a quick Lulu story, man.

I thought they were overrated for a long time.

Can you please not hijack the master story right now?

No, no, no.

It was real quick.

I thought they were overrated.

And then I got a pair.

They came to our gym and they were doing kind of like a giveaway thing.

They're free.

And I said,



Speaking of giveaway, we're going to be giving away Lulu's.

We're going to be giving away marker lockers.

We're also going to be giving away, uh, how many marker lockers are you giving away?

How many?

Uh, we're going to give away 10, 10, 10, 10, these bad boys away coming in November.

So stay tuned to that.

We're also giving away a vessel golf bag.

So stay tuned to that.

And then

getting back to the master story so i realized i'm like wow my lulu's my lulu's on inside out this is terrible news and i'm like tiger's gonna be here like he's gonna look at me like i gotta have like i'm like and i i'm like well he but he's like coming like he's like finishing up the other hole and i'm like dude i think i got time to where i can just like flip this thing around real quick dude i like tried to take off and it got hung up on my big ass nose dude so i'm sitting there i'm sitting there with my shirt fucking off at the masters

In front of thousands of people, imagine this.

Imagine like exclusive, like Augusta fined a guy $20,000 for taking a cup of sand out of one of the bunkers.

Like took him to jail.

Oh dude, he went to jail over it.

Like you can't, I'm sitting there with my shirt off at the master's front row of like tiger walking up on, dude, on 18, it was crazy.

And so, and I'm sitting there and I'm like trying to, and so afterwards, I got it on finally, tiger walks up, he fucking, you know, screw came out of his leg or whatever happened.

So then what's great about it is this guy comes up to me and he's like, hey, yeah, you know longtime member here at Augusta I'm like, well, that's amazing.

Yep, and I'm thinking like I'm like I'm gonna befriend this gentleman right here and I'm gonna hopefully play the Masters soon or the Augusta and he's like never do that again.

Don't ever fucking take your shirt off again.

Like don't ever like what are you thinking?

Like I saw you do that like don't do that.

Keep your shirt on.

Are you serious?

Yeah, I swear all that so dude like I like dude stuff like this happens to me like all you

Well, I mean, what you just said, it was inside out.

Oh, so it was like, yeah, there's a bathroom.

He said it was a bathroom for that.

I mean, I'm telling that by diamond story.

Oh, by the cart.

Oh, oh, dude.


So we need stories like that.


It's not even about that, though.

Like, you know, but but it is like that.

That's the kind of stuff.


I mean, it is just so like we used to be members of by diamond.



And this true story.

And we drove a cart on the on the not even like just off the cart path at the green.

And we finish our round.

I didn't think anything of it.

The pro brings us in his office.

We're like, oh, hey, you know, just kind of kind of shooting the shit.

And he puts over a printed out piece of paper of a picture of somebody taking a picture of us from their house, from their house, of our cart off the side of the.

And when I tell you the wheel was just like this off the car path.

Off the car path?


Not like on the green or anything?


There was a picture this week of this guy and he was like, first hole in one.

And did you guys see this?

And he had his pool cart on the green.

I saw that, yes.

And everyone was lighting him up, dude.

And they said the penalty stroke is a pretty good par.


And everyone's like, this guy's a... You saw their emblem, too.

The golf cart's emblem was somebody just carrying a

Yes, I agree that golf's a traditional game.

It is right there.

There's legacy.

There's there's respect and all that stuff, but There's there's also a new age going on.

Yeah, totally, right?

And I mean I guess I can speak to that too because at that time not Tigers at Jordan's course at the Grove not throwing that in there but at that

They play for pay, so you're literally taking your golf cart right up to the green.

Oh, are you?

I was parked on the fringe.

Do they fly?


That's a rumor?

No, it did happen.

It's liability.

What, the drones?

Yeah, the drones were like 7 feet long.

Then you button those up a little more, probably.

You're telling me to go under a mini-helicopter that has no stability and wind and it's always windy out there.

I'm not getting these guys drinks, my head's gonna be chopped off.

That's literally what it'd be.

Yeah, that'd be bad.

Although that'd be fucking hilarious, wouldn't it?

It's like another cat, he's got his head chopped off.

And he's got, he's got, hey, got your high news, my neck's gone, but that'd be fucking awesome.

No, but so, wow, so you've played, so what is that pretty nice?

Oh man, it's nice, man.

It's not, it's,

I wouldn't.

It's no what?

Tell them.

It's no old memorial.

It's no Pelican.

How is it compared to Pine Valley?

It's no Pelican.

I've never played Pine Valley.

Let's get into this story.

Let's get into this story.

Everyone listen to this.

Brandon, do you want me to tell you this story?

I would love for you to.

You shouldn't have brought that up.

I thought we were going to edit this out.

Baron, please stop.

It's not really that important.


So let me explain what happened.

This is before we even knew what Pine Valley was.

That's my point.

We should have Googled it.

Yeah, we should have.

We were 21.

It was before Google.

It kind of was, man.

To be honest with you, it was 20 years ago.

It was when you were printing out Google Maps.

That's a good question.

Was it even ranked number one back then?


100% was.

Has it been number one that long?


It's between Augusta and Pine Valley every single year.

You remember when you used to map quest something then you printed it out.


Yeah, it was that error.

Yeah Yeah, we didn't have Facebook.

We didn't I mean Facebook.

It was right around when Facebook was developed.

Yeah, what's what's Facebook?

What it was when it was when it was yeah, it was when it was the

yeah where it was mostly college stuff yeah but i mean yeah yeah no i'm just i mean they're all just trying to explain we're trying to put the yeah you know lay the foundation oh they're oh they're dodging okay my bad dude i fell for it dude i'm like oh that's how i fell for it my bad go for it that was when there was like get on in there doc did you tell us about your albatross yet yeah i'd love to but let me just hear this real quick

Let me just hear this real quick.

Basically what happened is we have a friend who has a member out there, and these guys literally snuffed him.

They just said, I'm not interested.

You remember when 007 on 64 was a thing?

It was around that time.

I was thinking that maybe it was more of a financial situation at that time.

It may have been.

I would have sold my soul.

I would have done whatever I needed to do.

We would now.

There's no question.

To be honest with you, it was a really dark place.

Shout out to Life on the Loop boys, these two caddies out over at Olmo, they've got a great podcast.

Shout out to them, we're gonna do some collab stuff too.

They'd probably love to have you on too, but Longstreet Short.

So I was asking the caddy out there, I was like saying, hey, do you, what's your, because they go all around the world and play, and that's their whole podcast.

And I was like, what's your favorite, what's your best?

He was like, oh dude, it's not even a question.

He was like, it's Pine Man.

He said that, and I'm like, really, it's that?

He was like, dude, I've played, and he has, he's played this place that you could read.

He's like, I've played, you know, and he's like, it's not even close, man.

This dude flew up there, he had a, I think he caddied, if I remember the story right, he caddied for someone, and anyway, he knew a guy that knew a guy, and he kept calling him.

He wouldn't give up on it, and he kept calling him, like, no, time is not right, time is not right.

He's like, hey, he called him up, he's like, I got a spot for you tomorrow.

The dude flew up there that night, and played it the next day, and then flew back, and he was like,

That's what you did though, right?

I mean I've done it like five times now.

Have you?

You've played it that many times?

Yeah, I have.

And I haven't, I have not on 18 every single time I've doubled it.

It's a beast of a freaking hole, the last hole.

What's, is everything else, is it all hard or is it just that hole?

The entire course is hard, but it's fair.

And it is the most majestic walk.

We're gonna get out there at some point, for sure.

Probably next year.

Looking forward to it.

We have a friend that's just an amazing person and he'll get us out there.

He sounds beautiful.

He's a beautiful soul.

Shout out Pistol.


Pistol, what up dude?

Good old Pistol.

I've had a good time with you guys.

I would trade all three of you guys on Bissell right now.

No doubt.

We're fortunate to know some really good people.

I will tell you, number one, when you're on the tee box is the most intimidating shot because you're at Pine Valley.

I wonder if they even have it on YouTube.

They filmed the Wonderful World of Golf, I think, back in the 70s.

Shout out Sam Snead.

It may have been Snead.

He plays chicks for money.

Dude, yes he does.

Check out that.

And then I think they played the Walker Cup there too.


Did they do the Walker Cup?

Yeah, I think they did the Walker Cup there once.

I mean, that and Seminole.

I'd like to play Seminole.

I would love to play Seminole.


I mean, we've seen it just now in that one match or whatever it was.



That's so close.

Are you guys a play Pelican?


Oh, man.

Pelican's top notch.

So here's what I would tell you.

Here's what I would tell you.


Have you played Pelican?


Our experience with.

Been there.

So we we've been fortunate enough to play O.M.

Pelican and Concession.



Yeah, concession is is not on a different level.

Oh, is it?

Yeah, it's hard, right?

Oh, yeah.


We didn't we didn't play our own ball.

No, we played in a scramble tournament.

Oh, but we played our own ball at Pelican.

Oh, man, that's a beautiful course.

And it's like an old school.

Like, yeah, it's just the experience is absolutely phenomenal.


The difference is versus O.M.

is that Pelican every what?

Five holes, four holes, five holes.

There's a comfort station and it has you name it.

It's got it.

anything you want.

Peanut butter jelly, mousse, hard boiled eggs, frozen grapes, any drink, any food, frozen grapes, snacks.

It's amazing.

You better try them.



So it tastes like candy.

So the course overall.

The course overall too is a little bit more fair than OA.

So it's more scoreable.

Isn't that the old, what course would they call it?

Bel Air.

That's the one that John Daly peed off the balcony and got thrown in.

Did you guys hear about that?


Yeah, so he, this is on one of our other podcasts.

I'm telling all the stories again.

I love it.

It's okay.

Because if they didn't hear him the first time, they're going to hear him now.

and we did confirm with uh our boy kangaroo the other kangaroo he uh he confirmed that this story is true but we've so there's a rumor out there that john daily basically got thrown out of that course he's been thrown out of quite a few here by the way he is perfect for our podcast like we when i'm not i'm not gonna land daily i love that guy who doesn't love when when we land yeah when you land yeah i mean he is native to yeah native to clearwater yeah he is yeah so panda plays that's hooters right

Yeah, so he plays a lot of, uh, you know, Panda plays in a lot of, and so does Bruno, they play a lot of money games.

And so anyway, so he, he's in a lot of those, but they, there's a room there, there's a story that like he was peeing off one of the balconies and just right on people walking down, like didn't care.

And they were like, you got to get, you can't do that.

My son and I are going as daily and daily for Halloween this year.

Are you really?

Hell yeah.

Oh, nice dude.

Loud mouth pants.

Oh my God, that's amazing.

Are they still going?

Loud Mouth's still going?

I mean, I think we got knockoffs, but yeah, it's still going.

It is.

The thing with Daily, bro, is that he's so good without trying.

That's why everybody loves him.

He's an absolute degenerate, and if he actually cared, he would be arguably one of the best golfers.

Yes, yes.

His God-given skill is just unbelievable.

Do you guys look at that as a waste, or are you just kind of...

No, man, how is it away?

No, it's not because like not many people have that like I mean about if you were to dial it in is a question, but Here's the way out from an overall standpoint.

We wouldn't know who John Daly is unless he the way exactly the way he unless he'd be like Oh, you mean the greatest God for all time?

Tiger what it said that about him Tiger Woods is actually I remember a quote where he's like, dude if this guy actually like that like if he is like that quote and that's so true and

He is like that talented to where like Tiger Woods.

It would take him.

He was like I would stay up I would hit 2,000 balls a day and I mean an Earl would throw firecrackers at my feet so I could focus Meanwhile daily as soon as he got done.

He would be fucking hammered He doesn't even go to the range before he just hits a couple balls and at first how does

They say that he rips like a thing of cigarettes and has four packs of M&Ms.

It's awesome.

It's great.

I mean, I just I don't know.

I mean, is it awesome?

It is because we need that.

We do.

We do.

The entire spectrum of golf.

Yeah, you can't have like it's so frustrating dude like so Sam Sneed like when I was doing the deep dive on Sam Sneed, check it out on Did I tell you about my own trust?

Dityama.fm When I was in the deep dive on Sam Sneed played its money for girls.

I noticed that he the same deal That's what everyone said He had the most natural swing and like he didn't even have to try like he was so the way that he learned like the Sam Sneed What was interesting about him?

He learned because I mean grew up in West Virginia like a really poor like during the Depression

Like he learned like think about trying to like a four golf clubs.

Yeah, like during the depression like dude They were like like there's just no no money for even food.

So the way that he did it him and his brother God, what was his brother's name?

His brother had a fucking awesome name.

I wish I would remembered it.

Uh shit.

I can look it up

Anyway, yeah, look up his brother's name, Sam Snead, because it's fantastic.

Anyway, him and his brother would carve out clubs out of tree limbs, and they would carve out, yes, and they would make club heads out of the bigger piece of the trunk.

They were whittling?

Whittling, yes.

And so the reason his swing was so smooth is because his tempo had to like wait on the lag of the whip.

The tree.

Yes, of the tree.

And it's so light.

Yes, it is.

So it was so whippy.

So he had, so that's why his swing was, and dude, he like learned it.

And it is, so Jack Nicklaus said, his swing is the most perfect swing of all time.

Gary Player said, out of all the human beings that have ever lived and ever will live, he has the best golf swing ever.

That's something about Gary Player said that.

That's a pretty big compliment.

That makes sense though, right?

Because you're practicing on a piece of wood.

Wood, yes, yes, exactly.

And if you think about all the technology and everything we have nowadays.

Well, and so speaking of, we're actually coming out with a new product here at DIT YAMA, where it's going to be called the Tree Limb Swing Aid.

It's going to be amazing.

We're going to be releasing it here with the Marker Locker Boys.

One of those things, the announcements, I don't know.

Weren't you going to open up a package?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Oh, you're swinging.

Is that your tree in the package?



Here we go.

Get your knives out.

What do we got?

What do we got?

Let's do it.

Sam Sneed's brother's name.


Very interesting.


No, it's not Pete.

It is not Pete.

No fucking way.

His father's Harry is it Peter it's Homer He had three brothers

Him and Homer.

Who was Pete?

Homer, Pete, and Jesse.

Pete was the jack-off that was helping him win.

Pete definitely wasn't the one that was swinging.

Homer was fucking great.

I'm known around my club.

Who are you doing a shout-out to?

This is another sponsor of ours.

It's called

Hack Motion.

Wow, I didn't even know the name of it.

Hack Motion, thank you for this, by the way, that we had to pay for.

We didn't give it to us at all.

Thank you so much.

So this one is, it tells you where it's a wrist sensor.

Let me just show the crowd here.

I haven't tried this one yet.

Oh, is this the one that breaks like the, you have it together and then it pops off?

No, but I need that.

That sounds pretty good.

Yeah, it's a good one.

No, but I literally have, I have the Divot Board.

I've got them all.

I got them all out there.

Did you like Divot Board?

Divot Board was good.

Is that Divot Daddy?

No, it kind of it's like so it's like it's so they so that's what I was kind of asking about like people So these guys I don't think out there should patent because there's a lot of them now Yeah, yeah, and basically it all it is like those little bedazzled.

Yes, and yeah, you hit it Okay, but it does show you where there's competition out there for that.

Oh, there's multiple.

Oh, yeah

But it does show you where your club's entering.

I think it's one of the better ones.

That packaging is great.

It's terrible.

I got the David Ledbetter.

I got the David Ledbetter straight back.

You have the lag shot?


I have the lag shot.

Lag shot I got in my bag right now, actually.

Lag shot's good.

You couldn't tell at all that he had any swing.

On the front nine, there was no swing.

I talked like four balls to him.

On two, they were like, so you know on the par five on number two, Jovita South, where there's like the pond, the pond in the front, that doesn't come into play.

He was having a go.

Dude, I was like, these guys are never going to ever play him again.

I would have probably walked off.

It is the one that breaks.

So it breaks if your wrists are too far apart.

The problem with these swing aids is you actually have to use them.

Yeah, that's a problem.

And to be honest, this is what I've been missing right here, boys.

Yeah, you go to the range zone, you put something like that on and you, you know,

Oh, dude, I had the swing jacket.

I should show you.

Oh, I saw your video.

Oh, so that was one of the challenges.

So I basically got one stroke in our game.

They were gonna give me an extra stroke if I played a whole hole with the swing jacket.

I never even tried it on.

You parred it.

I actually bogeyed it, but I got it.

Wait, I thought it said a par.

Well, I bogeyed for par.

They parred it and I tied them.

There was one that I just used.

Thanks for watching my shit.

It was a wrist guard.

Yeah, yeah, so no go click with it.

No you got that when we play that uh I mean yeah, they sell swing aids at Avila no nice our buddy had what a fucking great course that is so Steve recently came off the yips Yeah, oh god bless us or if I were to say yips.

I would say straight hosel you did the PAT hosel.

Yeah, you but hosel

So Steve, Steve in his own right is a great, great golfer.

He passed the PAT.

He's well, you're almost scratch.

No, no, he was down to one.

He's a baller.

I'm not, I'm not really over, you know,


Yeah, where's my ball?

He does say that which is it's exhausting, but he really is a good player to go right there dog Don't call him to go but he he's a kid.

He recently was for the fan of about three times playing and

You're in such a dark, dark place, dark place.

You get up over the bar and you're like, oh, I can hit a nice little draw and sure enough, you hit the center of the hosel.

So they say that that's really close to hitting a really good shot though.

They say that's the closest miss that you can have to that.

I mean, thank you for the compliment.

Don't say that.

You played Avalo a couple of times.

The short par three, whatever.

I think it's eight.


The one right over the water.

It's literally 110 yards, 120 out.

And I mean, I didn't even make it to the woods before.


So is that so?

There's a house to the right that doesn't even come into play.

And it came into play.

It's a sick game.

It is, dude.

It's very humbling.


Well, dudes, thank you so much for coming over.

Anything else you guys want to chat about?

Are you guys good?

Do we cover it all?

Get your fans out there.

Give you another plug here.

This marker locker thing.

I'm excited to give them away.

We're going to absolutely... We're going to be... It's kind of cool.

We can do this thing on a contest.

Y'all are going to be mad at this part.

All the fans out there.

All millions of you.

There's this thing where you can actually use a code word and it gets you more entries into the contest.

So we'll have a website, they'll land on, and then you have to listen to the podcast, we're gonna say the code word.

The code word for this episode, you name it, Badger.

Unlock your mark.

That's a long code word, bro.

We're gonna do like two syllables.

I don't know.

Unlock your mark.

I do like... Mark?

We could do Mark.

What do you think?

Badger don't like it?

No, the badger doesn't like it.

I'm gonna say... What's the badger gonna say?

I think we should say sellout.



Damn, dude.

I love it.


Ain't no sellouts in here, but we love to sell out.

Nah, we got a sellout right there.

Nah, we're going to sell out.

Right to your left.


So, I mean, that's part of the reason we're giving them away because they are going to sell out and there's not that many of them.

Limited edition.

Love it.

Love it.

So, here's the deal.

We're going to wait 10 of these probably in November.

Stay tuned for that.

Make sure that you enter sellout.


All one word.


Oh UT you enter that in that's gonna quadruple your entries into the contest so that good and you'll get it We're also gonna include some special albatross ball markers that I got to go ahead and let's go And yeah, man, but not seriously, thanks for thanks you guys we've had a blast all day man everything

Thanks for tuning in, everyone.

Don't miss out on our upcoming golf giveaways and experiences.

They're exclusive to our subscribers, and all you gotta do is subscribe.

And until next time, golf's easy.

Think fairways and greens.

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

Brandon Redding,
Brandon Redding, "ALBI"
Like a walk-off Albatross to win, this podcast is a rare bird indeed. Less etiquette, More hilarious, No story is too wild for our golf podcast. sept 23 launch
Laken Fischer
Laken Fischer "Panda"
Husband, PGA Teaching Professional, Superpowers: Comedy, One Liners, Whit, Intelligence. Crowd Favorite, Favorite Course: Tobacco Road, NC, Caddied at Bandon Dunes, Special skill of one liners and fixing slices, made Albi a reformed hooker.